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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Table 1. Fluorescence properties of seawater containing CDOM and cyanobacteria.
Constituent Absorption peak (nm) Fluorescence emission maximum (nm)
CDOM 355 450
Cyanobacteria - PC 620 650
Cyanobacteria - Chl-a 440,680 685
Cyanobacteria - tryptophan 280 340
Cyanobacteria - NADPH 340 460
Excitation (nm)
500 600
Emission (nm)
Figure 1. Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) of the
concentrated seawater sample, and intensity of fluorescence
emission is shown on an arbitrary Log;o scale. The blue
horizontal lines display the excitation wavelengths at 280, 390,
550 nm that induced fluorescence peak from measured samples,
and the red vertical lines show the fluorescence emission with
the corresponding excitation.
There are three emission peaks related to cyanobacteria
fluorescent signatures in this region. The first fluorescence
emission peak at 345 nm is from tryptophan excited at a
wavelength of 285 nm. The second emission peak, 685 nm, is
from Chlorophyll-a excited at a wavelength of 390 nm. The
third peak is from phycocyanin which is excited at a wavelength
of 555 nm with maximum fluorescence emission at 650 nm. To
better understand the detailed fluorescence spectra features of
these three fluorophores, their spectro-fluorescence curves are
produced using excitation at these three wavelengths, which is
shown in figure 2.
Fluorescence Spectra of Cyanobacteria cellular fluorophores
F : 3 iL ^ 55 E peu en 3
= Trp (285nm) :
^. Chka (390nnj) .
Fluorescence Intensity(a.u.)
YET > ri T
1 Mood i ; PEN SA b i sd
300 400 700 800
0 6
Figure 2. Fluorescence emission curves of three cyanobacteria
cellular fluorophores: tryptophan, chlorophyll-a and
phycocyanin stimulated at wavelength of 285, 390 and 555 nm,
respectively. Fluorescence emission intensity is shown on a
Log, scale. Dashed curves correspond to the emissions that are
out of the region made by the first and second diagonal strips in
figure 1, and the solid curves indicate relevant fluorescence
emission spectra for each fluorophore, which correspond to the
region between the first and second diagonal lines in figure 1.
3.2 PAHs fluorescence properties of crude oil samples
Although five different oil samples were all measured for
fluorescence and reflectance features, four of the five oil
samples did not show relevant information on PAHs
fluorescence which is caused by their optical properties being
either too thick or too thin. Only one oil sample exhibits related
features on PAH fluorescence. The PE-LS55 Luminescence
spectrometer was used to record the emission spectra between
240 and 600 nm using a excitation wavelength range between
240 and 500 nm with 15 nm increment of each step. The
spectro-fluorescence feature of the oil sample is illustrated in
figure 3. From the EEM, there is an emission peak at 425 nm
excited at the wavelength between 260 and 300 nm. This
fluorescence emission signature is from PAHs of the oil sample
excited at these wavelengths when compared against constituent
PAH EEMs (Dartnell et al., 2012).
Excitation (nm)
s 2 =
> = =
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Emission (nm)
Figure 3. The EEM generated for the weathered crude oil
sample. The fluorescence intensity is shown on the right hand
side of the EEM on a Log scale.
In order to explore the detailed fluorescence features of PAHs at
an excitation wavelength of 285 nm, a fluorescence emission
intensity plot was produced together with its reflectance
spectrum illuminated using a Solux light source, which is
presented in figure 4.
From the fluorescence emission curve shown in figure 4, there
appears to be a high fluorescence emission between 410 and
440 nm with a peak reaching 100 a.u. at a wavelength of 425
nm. Whilst from the reflectance spectrum, the oil sample has a
strong absorption feature in the violet region with a maximum