Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Alexander D. Fraser“, Neal W. Young“ ° and Neil Adams“ 
? Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre 
University of Tasmania 
Private Bag 80 
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7001 
b Australian Antarctic Division 
Channel Highway 
Kingston, Tasmania, Australia, 7050 
^ Australian Bureau of Meteorology 
GPO Box 727 
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7001 
Commission VIII/10 
KEY WORDS: Snow, Ice, Glaciology, Research, Active, Microwave, Satellite 
The Antarctic Ice Sheet exhibits a strong anisotropy in microwave backscatter, both as a function of azimuth angle and incidence 
angle. This anisotropy arises as a result of i) the alignment of roughness elements and other wind-related surface and sub-surface 
features, as well as ii) internal layers and snow grain size gradient within the snowpack. As a result of its antenna configuration, the 
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) satellite 
instrument is able to observe much of the continent with a large azimuth and incidence angle diversity. A lack of azimuth and incidence 
diversity has restricted previous backscatter parameterisations to relatively simple bi-sinusoidal (azimuth angle) and linear (incidence 
angle) parameterisations. Using ASCAT, we show that a better fit can be obtained using a cubic incidence angle function and a Fourier 
series of up to four terms for parameterisation of the azimuth angle anisotropy. Scatterometer instruments have previously been used 
in Greenland to retrieve accumulation rate by observing the change in backscatter as a function of incidence angle. Here we present 
preliminary results of an empirical study linking the isotropic component and incidence angle dependence to snow accumulation rate 
in Antarctica, using snow stake measurements as ground truthing. 
Surface mass balance (SMB) is the net input term for ice mass 
balance calculations and is thus a critical parameter for accurate 
estimation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) contribution to sea 
level rise (Allison et al., 2009). Despite this, reliable in-situ mea- 
surements of SMB are sparse throughout the AIS, particularly in 
the interior of the continent where few staffed stations exist. The 
mass input to the AIS can be determined from knowledge of the 
spatial distribution of SMB (the spatial integral of which gives the 
total mass input), and the temporal variations of this. Spatial ex- 
tensions of sparse in-situ data can be provided by either modeling 
or large-scale observation. Recent advances in atmospheric mod- 
eling capability (e.g., Lenaerts et al. (2012) included the effects of 
snow redistribution due to blowing snow) have given rise to high- 
resolution, large-scale maps of SMB throughout the AIS. Satellite 
remote sensing of SMB provides an indepentent large-scale spa- 
tial extension of in-situ point and line measurements such as snow 
stakes (e.g., Higham et al. (1997)) and ground penetrating radar- 
derived isochronous horizons (e.g., Miiller et al. (2010)). Passive 
microwave thermal emission signals are sensitive to SMB, and 
several studies have explored these links in detail, e.g., Winebren- 
ner et al. (2001); Arthern et al. (2006). Empirically-derived re- 
lationships between SMB and scatterometer measurements have 
been studied in Greenland, but no equivalent study has yet been 
conducted in Antarctica. 
Scatterometers are typically spaceborne, active instruments orig- 
inally designed to obtain microwave backscatter measurements 
from small scale roughness on the surface of the ocean for multi- 
ple azimuth angles. From this information, surface wind strength 
and direction can be inferred. For approximately two decades, 
spaceborne scatterometer instruments have also been applied to 
the great ice sheets in Greenland (e.g., Long et al. (1992)) and 
Antarctica (e.g., Remy et al. (1992)), in order to retrieve surface 
and near-surface snow parameters. Large parts of the surface 
of both the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and Antarctic Ice Sheet 
(AIS) are characterised by sastrugi (wind-aligned snow structural 
features of magnitude depending on wind speed at the time of for- 
mation, rarely greater than 50 cm in height (Kobayashi, 1980)). 
Microwave backscatter is enhanced by several dB when look- 
ing across these roughness features (Furukawa and Young, 1997). 
For non-nadir microwave observations of the great ice sheets, a 
large azimuthal diversity of observation is essential, in order to 
accurately characterise this strong azimuthal anisotropy. 
A more in-depth review of past ice sheet applications of scat- 
terometer data to be provided in a forthcoming publication (Fraser 
et al., in prep.) is summarised here. Much of the early scatterom- 
eter work on ice sheets was focused around retrieval of sastrugi 
parameters (magnitude and direction) using the bi-sinusoidal az- 
imuthal modulation, e.g., Ledroit et al. (1993); Young et al. (1996); 
Furukawa and Young (1997); Hyland and Young (1998); Long 

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