Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

e XXXIX-B8, 2012 
rom data with known 
factors, ANN is used to 
2011). In this paper, we 
y the connection weights 
poral ground and remote 
evaluation and mapping 
urope Continent, on the 
, and covers about 9.6 
des 3.85?N and 53.56?N, 
5.08?E). The terrain of 
t. Mountain, plateau and 
a; basin and plain cover 
untries which are most 
1e studies indicated that 
a steep slope such as the 
one, and the gorges with 
ectonic belt (fractures or 
il (loose covering layer, 
1 some areas with heavy 
or nearly 60 years were 
reports, yearbooks, and 
'eological Environmental 
w irisknet.cn/); Geostress 
g Database (GGDQD, 
China Statistical 
- landslide reports (from 
80s, numbers of reports 
e government's attention. 
slide reports of the south 
her regions. 
previous mentioned can 
Nu and Sidle, 1995): 
ave decision effects on 
rphology, slope gradient, 
/, vegetation cover, flow 
landslide suddenly, such 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Obviously, the variation of external factors is a short process, 
and usually unpredictable; the distribution of internal factors 
act on LS. The relevant data were provided by the National 
Geomatics Centre, and network: 
Table 1. Data sources and specific use. 
Data types Description Specific use 
Satellite/sensor Spatial resolution Year of acquisition 
Remote sensing data Terra, Aqua/MODIS 250m 2003-2011 Vegetation cover 
DEM(Digital Elevation 90m 2000 Slope gradient, 
Model) aspect, elevation 
Geological maps Scale: 1:500,000 2000 Lithology 
Soil type maps Scale: 1:3,000,000 2000 Soil type 
Geomorphologic maps Scale: 1:3,000,000 2000 Convexity 
River distribution maps Scale: 1:3,000,000 2000 Flow distribution 
Seismic zone distribution of 2008 Fracture 
The quantification of different factors is to select the landslide 
region per unit area. It can be seen the parameters to describe 
the relationship between factors and landslide (Kumar et al, 
2010). Because the historical data collected mainly reflected 
the numbers of landslide occurrence, relative probabilities of 
different distribution intervals were qualitatively analyzed. 
RPmn is the relative probability that factor m lies within the 
range n with the following formula (1): 
RP = zn (1) 
mn p 
Synthesizing the above analysis, the factors associated with LS 
were categorized according to the different levels (Table 2). 
According to the summary from CDSTM, the formation 
conditions of landslide in China which mainly contained: 
Table 2. Evaluation factors and classifications 
Jurassic, Mudstone of Cretaceous, Shale, Argillaceous 
Sandstone, Siltstone, Coal Beds, Sandy Slate, Phyllite; the 
types of convexity include: concave, flat, protrude; with the 
increase of slope gradient, the component force of gravity in 
the slope direction, and landslide would have higher risks (Dai 
et al, 2002); slope aspect is mainly divided into eight directions; 
the relationship exists between elevation and landslide, such as 
in high mountains, which were comprised of weathered and 
tough rocks, that is less likely for landslide ; the higher the 
vegetation coverage is, the smaller the landslide possibility; 
meanwhile, landslide is bound up with the distribution of flow 
and fracture (Montgomery et al, 2002). 
CDSTM: (China Digital Science and Technology Museum, 
http://amuseum.cdstm.cn/moundisaster/ page/knowledgec.jsp?pid=3100502) 
Factors Classification 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Lithology J M S A Si Co Sa P 
Convexity Concave Flat Protrude 
Gradient 0-10? 10°~20° 20° ~30° 30°~40° 40 ° ~50° 250? 
Aspect East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest North Northeast 
Elevation(km) «0.5 0.5~1.0 1~1.5 1.5~2.0 2.0-2.5 2.5-3.0 23.0 
Soil property R X YB B Ci DB BC F 
Vegetation <20 20-40 40-60 60-90 290 
Coverage (96) 
Flow (km) «100 100-200 200-300 300—400 400-500 2500 
Fracture (km) «0.5 0.5-1.0 1.0~1.5 1.5~2.0 2.0-2.5 2.5-3.0 23.0 
(Notes: J, M, S, A, Si, C, Sa, P represent the eight lithology of causing landslide: Jurassic, Mudstone of Cretaceous, Shale, Argillaceous Sandstone, Siltstone, 
Coal Beds, Sandy Slate, Phyllite; R, Y, YB, B, Ci, DB, BC, F represent eight main soil properties of China: Red soil, Yellow soil, Yellow-brown soil, Brown 

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