Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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that enables pen-based interaction by using Anoto digital pens 
(Anoto, 2012; Haller et. al., 2007). 
The useTable software is able to handle multi-touch interaction, 
tangible interaction with physical objects on the table surface 
and pen based interaction. In addition to these features that are 
also available on other platforms a new detection and 
tracking framework for advanced interaction using a depth- 
sensing camera (Kobayashi, 2008), called dSensingNI, was 
developed that extends the possibility of tangible and gestural 
interaction beyond the table surface (Jung et. al., 2011). The 
dSensingNI framework is capable of tracking user fingers and 
palm of hands, which enables precise and advanced multi-touch 
interactions as well as tangible interactions. For tangible 
interaction arbitrary physical objects can be used to control 
interaction. Using the depth- sensing camera, physical objects 
can be used in common (2D) actions, such as placing and 
moving, and also in 3D actions, such as grouping or stacking. 
The depth-sensing also allows extending the multi-touch 
interaction to object surfaces without the need for integrated 
logic and sensors. 
Combing RFID chips and depth-sensing cameras the platform 
enables to identify and track the persons that are interacting 
with the useTable. This allows applying different functionality 
to different users based on their roles during an interaction, a 
central requirement not addressed by off-the-shelve multi- touch 
Fig. 2: C-LA useTable 
Using the useTable and dSensingNI as base technologies, a 
number of different interaction and visualization techniques 
have been implemented. These techniques enable experiments 
with users, e.g., to study the usability differences between touch 
input, pen-input and the use of interaction-objects. A key 
advantage of the interactive display in the disaster management 
application is the ability to rapidly switch between different 
maps and map representations. Using a layer concept different 
maps and additional information (e.g., airborne imagery) can be 
mixed while maintaining the established workflow. The 
extension of the visualization beyond map-display allows 
experimenting with integration of derived information (e.g., 
danger zones, uncertainty) as well as task dependent map 
generalization and highlighting strategies. 
Insights from these studies are used to guide the development 
at the base technology level. For example, experience showed 
that in some scenarios a strict separation between visualization 
of the current situation and the planning of future actions is 
essential. Our design approach allows to adapt to these 
requirements by modifying and extending the set of available 
base technologies. To provide an intuitive separation we 
extended the useTable into an L- Shape display. The L-Shape 
employs the useTable for planning as described. An additional 
wall display was added to visualize the current situation. 
2.4 Alternative large-scale multi-touch displays 
Large-scale multi-touch displays are becoming increasingly 
available as commercial products, e.g. Samsung SUR40 (Fig. 3, 
foreground) is a 40” multi-touch table display that is widely 
available (Surface2, 2012) and  GestureTek offers the 
GestDisplay, a vertical 60” multi-touch display that also 
supports gesture based interaction (Fig. 4) (GestDislay, 2012). 
Another example is the PrimeTouch display (Fig. 3, 
background) that detects up to 32 points simultaneously on 
LCD and plasma screens up to 103” and customized screens up 
to 200” and curved displays. It is based on a IR LED light plane 
projected slightly over the display and photo diodes for 
Fig. 3: 65” PrimeTouch and Samsung SUR40 
Fig. 4: GestureTek GestDisplay (Image: GestureTek) 
In our user centred design process we collaborate directly with 
the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (Technisches 
Hilfswerk/THW). Our iterative design approach is based on ISO 
standard 13407 (now replaced by 9241-210:2010) from which 
we derived an operational process specifically adapted to the 
development of user interfaces that employ emerging 
technologies for which no proven off-the-shelve components 
are available. Within the design process the different activities 
correspond to common practice, covering context of use (in our 
case study of user roles for stakeholders and real world disaster 
situations); user requirement (definition of scenarios, 
identification of requirements, definition of appropriate 
measures); production of design solution (from scenarios over 
prototypes to implementation) and evaluation (analysis of 
requirements, review of designs, tests of prototypes, and 
evaluation of the complete system). Our adaptation essentially 

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