Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Image- and/or raster-based computation time heavily depends 
on image size. To cover a considerably large area, the size of a 
QuickBird, IKONOS, or WorldView-2 image becomes huge 
multiplied by its multi-spectral bands. On another hand, object- 
based image analysis exploits the scale property of objects in 
describing the context for segmentation and classification. The 
dual-scale processing proposed here takes into account the scale 
property not only categorise objects into different levels for 
segmentation and classification but also to decide the suitability 
level of complexity in processing in order to shorten the 
computation time. 
The two levels of the main processing are described in the 
following sub-sections. It is noted that pre-processing such as 
geometric and radiometric correction, pan-sharpening may be 
necessary prior to the main processing. Those are easily done by 
any remote sensing packages and not repeated here. 
2.1 Coarse level 
On the coarse level, the simple but robust Statistical Region 
Merging (SRM) technique is adopted (Nock and Nielsen, 2004). 
SRM starts by sorting the pair of pixels in ascending order of 
f (p.p ), expressed as in Eq. 1. 
f(p,p')= max 
Vaels) Pa Pa 
a denotes a spectral channel of the multi-spectral space S 
Traversing the above order once and testing for any pair, if the 
region R and R’ of the pair are different, R and R’ will be 
merged if 
IR,-R,|=< JB (R) +b*(R) Na E (s), Q) 
where R denotes the average value of region R 
1 nl , with [t| - 0 «1)" "^9, 
20|R|\ à 
g denotes the number of grey value, 
Q is tuning parameter, ö = sl 
/| and |R| denote entire image and region R size, respectively. 
More details of SRM are proved and presented in Nock and 
Nielsen's papers (Nock and Nielsen 2004, Nock and Nielsen 
2005). To delineate the big objects, the Q value is fixed at 64 
whereas the g value is fixed to 256 so it is required to scale the 
simplified image grey value to 0-255. SRM is conventionally 
working on pixels that may take long time. To assist speeding 
up the conditional search based upon Eq. 2, the initial clusters 
are generated via K-mean clustering and morphological filtering 
(Vincent 1993). The filtering is to remove the small 
meaningless objects, less than 25 pixels, and is applied onto the 
spectral clustered images derived by K-mean. K-mean 
clustering helps to initially group the pixels using their 
multispectral signatures globally. The locally grouping is then 
controlled by SRM. After filtering, the pixels in a neighbour 
that have similar grey value (class number) will be merged into 
a cluster. Those clusters will play as the basic entity for SRM 
instead of pixels. 
Subsequently, the rule-based analysis is carried out to decide 
which objects should be go further to fine level processing as 
well as remove irrelevant objects such as water and vegetation. 
First, homogeneous texture is measured, those with low 
homogeneous value is subject to go further. To discriminate 
water, vegetation from impervious surface, the brightness and 
greenness indices (Yarbrough et al. 2005) in combination with 
NDVI are employed. High level of greenness indicates the 
vegetation cover after confirmed with high NDVI value, 
whereas both low brightness and greenness values indicate the 
water body. The impervious surfaces have low greenness and 
high brightness values. The outcomes of coarse level 
processing, therefore, include the following types: 
homogeneous irrelevant objects such as water and vegetation, 
homogenous big impervious surfaces objects, and 
heterogeneous objects to go further to fine level processing. The 
very low homogeneous objects with low brightness and 
greenness values would be a cue to focus in mapping the 
damages. The whole process is illustrated in Figure 1. 
K-mean clustering (pixel-based) 
Morphological filter 
Statistical Region Merging 
Rule-based analysis objects 
Extracted big Boundaries for 
objects fine processing 
Figure 1. Coarse level processing 
2.2 Fine level 
In the detailed processing, a considerably large area has been 
masked out on coarse level with expectation that the time 
processing will be shortened. The flowchart of this fine level 
processing is shown in Figure 2. Going into details, it is 
possible to reveal the geometrical beside the spectral properties 
of each object. The previously developed non-linear scale space 
transformation by the author (Vu and Ban 2010) is adopted here 
to derive the morphological profile and form the fine objects. 
Again, to speed up the processing, morphological profile is 
generated on only the first component of PCA. 
Briefly, morphological filtering with reconstruction with 
increasing template size is applied onto the first component 
analysis. The morphological profiles across the scale space 
provide the cues to group nearby pixels to a cluster via 
similarity measurement. It also helps to group the clusters with 
similarity profile to the same class. Since it works with only 
small objects, a limited number of sizes of increasing step of 1 
can be used to generate the scale-space, named the scale range. 
Granulometry analysis is also employed to ignore the 
unnecessary sizes at which no significant changes on the 
granulometry spectrum within the scale range. 
In addition, the compactness and elongated shape indices 
(Bogaert et al. 2000), ratio between object area and object 
perimeter/length, are exploited to discriminate building and road 
objects. The rest of spectral information is added back via a 
simple K-mean pixel-based classification. The spectral class of 
a fine 
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