ie XXXIX-B8, 2012
1 reasons is that the street
ninistrative units and also
'hich lead the merging to
formation from satellite
1 remote sensing images
cement for decades. It is
note sensing can produce
actitioners demands and
scussion on how damage
Consequently, previous
ndo et al. 2006, Vu and
parison with the ‘ground
are simply crosschecked
wed that as Figures 4, 5
onably matched with the
cts, more likely to be
Visually, the old house
listinguishable from the
tough for an automated
he occlusion by the trees
oÜn line between 2 objects
ntitative assessment will
le form with disaster
tomated recognition
as been introduced to
it the early stage after a
serve as part of a system
while its ultimate goal is
solution for multi-type
nses and to distribute for
vith QuickBird image of
luced a reasonably good
ed the highly suspected
sed boundaries for fine
sing designed as a semi-
ore the damage areas in
ollapsed buildings. The
vels would enable the
dex. The solution was
mentation, and detailed
1 be reported in next
able platform of various
ion will be considered
d grid platform. It is
method for accuracy
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
assessment dealing with objects and in the context of damage
This study is a part of internationally collaborative research
project supported by Industrial Technology Research Grant
Program (Project ID: 08E52010a) from New Energy and
Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO),
Japan. The author acknowledges the financial support of the
Faculty of Science conference grant, University of Nottingham,
Malaysia campus.
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