Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

measures in the watershed. The above model has been used for 
the present investigation to prioritise the Kala-Azar risk villages 
using geo —environmental and climatic variables. Based on the 
fuzzy membership assigned by expert in the field of 
epidemiology, Fuzzy gamma operator 1; is calculated using 
fuzzy algebraic product and algebraic sum with Y- factor which 
produce the output coverage with maximum of fuzzy algebraic 
sum and minimum of fuzzy algebraic product. This approach is 
not only useful for predicting vector density but also for 
prioritising the villages for effective control measures. 
A software package for modelling the risk villages integrating 
multivariate regression and fuzzy membership analysis models 
have been developed using .NET environment and OPEN 
Source GIS and Image Processing tools (Dotspatial, 
Freeimage) to estimate MHD (vector density) as part of the 
early warning system. The software package has an integrated 
GIS and Image Viewer with specific Kala-Azar Vector Density 
prediction and Fuzzy based Kala-Azar Risk assessment 
modules. These models have been applied successfully through 
the software package in highly endemic Vaishali district, India 
and vector density have been calculated with good accuracy and 
correlated with Kala-azar disease incidence in the district. Risk 
modelling of villages and Early Warning System developed in 
coordination with Rajendra Memorial research Institute of 
Medical Sciences, Patna, India provided predictive measures of 
MHD-vector density in different villages and different seasons 
with reasonably good accuracy and maximize the surveillance 
and control strategy. 
1.4 Results and Discussions 
Kala-azar risk villages in Vaishali district of Bihar have been 
predicted based on multivariate regression models and fuzzy 
based GIS model. It is observed higher degree of vector density 
have been estimated in the villages where wetlands are 
associated with good vegetation and higher humidity. MHD is 
more in villages of mixed dwellings with mud walls and 
thatched roofs. It is also observed that monthly mean maximum 
temperature below 37.8°C and monthly mean minimum 
temperature above 7.2?C, a mean annual relative humidity of 
70% or more with a level not falling below 80% for at least 
three months, an annual rainfall of 1250 mm or more with 
favourable altitude below 600 m, soft stem peri-domestic 
vegetation (banana), alluvial soil, high subsoil water level and 
abundant vegetation as the most favourable factors [10]. All the 
above ecological conditions prevail in most part of the northern 
and central region of Bihar and highly suitable for abundance of 
sandflies in these regions facilitating perennial transmission of 
P.argentipes prefers to rest in indoors, about 8-10 times higher 
in cattle dwellings than in human dwellings. The most favoured 
resting sites for sandflies include soil cracks, crevices inside the 
human dwellings and cattlesheds. The species is predominantly 
endophagic as evident from their higher indoor collections. 
Temperature, Humidity, man-hour-density of sandfly, 
peridomestic vegetation was collected from field based 
observations. Soil samples collected from fields were also 
analyzed for its constituents. Landuse parameters and NDVI 
values were derived from satellite images. The results of the 
ground - sampling survey and the village wise statistical point 
data extracted from the landuse and NDVI data were analyzed 
using an indigenously developed software module developed 
for linear multivariate regression analysis. Using significantly 
correlated variables with MHD, stepwise multivariate linear 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
regression analysis was carried out to establish the relationship 
between predictor variables affecting vector density. The 
variables (temperature, humidity, dry fallow, min. NDVI) were 
found to be the best predictor of vector density, as analyzed by 
linear regression. The regression model indicate that measured 
and predicted MHD shows close agreement and R? value 
calculated as 0.78. This indicates that model has predicted 
MHD reasonably well. In Gurhi, Inta and Kujji villages have 
indicated higher MHD based on the geo-environmental 
parameters (Fig. 6). 
Observed vs Predicted MHD 
O — Ww OQ & O O - 0 
B Observed MHD 8 Predicted MHD 
Fig. 6 Graph showing comparison of observed and predicted 
Fig.7 Village locations (a) Observed MHD and (b) predicted 
MHD overlaid on IRS satellite data of Patepur Block, 
Vaishali District. 
The calculated MHD using the regression model and fuzzy 
based GIS model is overlaid on the satellite data of Patepur 
Block, Vaishali District which indicates the prevalence of 
higher MHD in village locations where more wetlands and good 
vegetation exists (Fig. 7). 
The Standalone Software package (developed using Open 
source GIS and Image Processing tools) is successfully 
customised for Kala-Azar Risk modelling which has been used 
for deriving the predicted MHD. For each point of interest (in 
this case settlement locations) Landuse, NDVI and other climate 
predictors are extracted in its proximity to determine the 
suitable conditions required for the high vector density. Thus 
the predicted MHD is calculated using multivariate regression 
equation. The Software package has easy to use interface, 
supporting various data formats (GIS, Image, Non —spatial data 
format) and custom modules like Data creation / Editing, 
15 C 
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1.6 R 
1. Bern C 
Indian J lv 
2. Bhatta 
3. Bora ] 
India, Na 
4. WHO 
5. Jeyar 
6. Kasi \ 
Zahid, J: 
Stehen P

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