-B8, 2012
the relationship
r density. The
in. NDVI) were
‚ as analyzed by
e that measured
and R? value
1 has predicted
ji villages have
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Reporting, Charting/statistics, Image Geotagging and
Geoprocessing (Fig. 8).
1 and predicted
d (b) predicted
’atepur Block,
odel and fuzzy
data of Patepur
. prevalence of
tlands and good
ed using Open
is successfully
h has been used
ıt of interest (in
nd other climate
determine the
density. Thus
wiate regression
) use interface,
lon —spatial data
ition / Editing,
Fig. 8 Main Viewer of Software package
1.5 Conclusion
The multivariate regression analysis between MHD and the
predictor variables was found to hold true for the given
epidemic area. Thus this statistical relation can be used in these
regions for disease forewarning. This model has been applied
successfully through software package in highly endemic
Vaishali district, India and vector density have been calculated
with good accuracy and correlated with Kala-azar disease
incidence in the district. Risk modelling of villages and Early
Warning System developed in coordination with Rajendra
Memorial research Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, India
provided predictive measures of MHD-vector density in
different villages and different seasons with reasonably good
accuracy and maximize the surveillance and control strategy.
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