Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

intensive system that was integrated with current critical-path- 
method (CPM) scheduling software (Kartam, 1997). In this 
framework, extensive safety data and knowledge were coded 
and stored in a database system which was linked to other 
construction management files. However, in these studies, the 
H&S data is hardcoded in the system and they do not 
dynamically use any geographic information from the site and 
represent it visually to the user. 
Recently, GIS technology is being effectively used for route 
selection, feasibility studies, progress monitoring, asset 
management, and operation and maintenance management for 
linear projects (Luettinger and Thayne, 2005; Prest, et al. 2007; 
Zheng, 2008). Furthermore, hazard map preparation is a very 
common use of GIS in risk assessment in natural catastrophes 
such as earthquake risk assessment, hurricane impact risk 
assessment and environmental risk assessments such as oil 
spilling at the sea and fire risk assessment modelling at forestry 
(Sala and Vighi, 2008; Zhang et al. 2009). However, a GIS 
based system was not developed for use in health and safety risk 
assessment as a part of daily working plans in linear 
construction projects. 
1.3 Problem 
Currently, the H&S personnel performs risk assessment for each 
construction method and keeps this information attached to the 
method of statement that is submitted to the owner at the 
beginning of the project. However, usually site workers and 
superintendents do not use this risk assessment information at 
site since it is recorded on based documents which are kept in 
the office. Also this information is only associated with method 
of statement, not related with daily individual activities. This 
results in low awareness in H&S among workers and engineers 
and leads to hazards and fatalities at construction sites. 
The primary objective of the paper is to develop a GIS based 
system for H&S planning as a part of daily work plans and 
effectively integrating various types of document based H&S 
data used in the risk assessment in GIS environment. 
The following sub objectives were also achieved in developing 
this system by means of GIS functionality: (1) Development of 
the H&S database in relation with GIS environment, (2)To 
replace the manual methods to extract the information from the 
available database and (3) Integrate H&S risk assessment data 
with spatial data. 
2.1 Proposed System Model 
In the first step of system design, end users need was assessed 
and information products were described. The information a 
GIS based DSS generates was described and end users need to 
be interviewed in order to determine what their job involve and 
what information they need to perform their tasks. 
In the second step the scope of the system was defined and 
system designed. This phase was performed in three step; 
conceptual, logical and physical modelling. After that data 
design was created. In this step spatial and H&S database 
design were actualized. Following the data design stage system 
requirements determining was realized. In this stage examine 
the system functions and user interface needed along with the 
hardware and software requirements. 
Briefly, users need was assessed, system scope was defined, 
data design was created, and system requirements were 
determined in design phase. 
The IDEFO model of the proposed decision support system 
(DSS) is given Figure 1. To create a risk map of the area, main 
inputs are the topographic map, site layout plan and the major 
obstacles identified in the project's construction site such as, 
other pipelines, power lines. These maps and obstacle 
information will be integrated to determine potential hazards 
and health and safety risks according to the H&S regulations 
and the project specifications. The final outputs of the system 
are the risk map that highlights the risk factors and their ratings 
and proposed mitigation measures to be taken at those high-risk 
locations (Atay et al. 2010). 
Project H&S 
Specifications ^ Regulations 
Topographic | Ë rF 
Map . E 
i i Risk Map w/ risk 
H&S Decision ratings 2 
os Support System | => Proposed 
Site Layout Plan Measures 
List of Obstacles 
Determine hazard 
Figurel. IDEFO model of the proposed H&S DSS 
Currently most commercial Web-based decision support 
systems are designed around a three or higher tiered 
architecture. (Yeung and Hall, 2007). Therefore, GIS based 
H&S decision support system was developed based on n-tier 
web based system architecture that is shown in Figure 2. 
Data Tar 
(ArcGIS GeoDB) (Sot pa) 
Figure2. System Architecture 
Three tier models were chosen for the application which has 
data tier, business tier and presentation tier (Figure 2). The 
processes of information storing and retrieving from a database 
or a file system are executed at data tier. Business tier 
coordinates the applications, processes commands, implements 
reasoning mechanisms, makes logical decisions and evaluations 
and perform calculations. Finally, the main function of 
presentation tier is to visually present the results to the user. 
In the developed system, data tier is composed of H&S 
Database and Geo-database. H&S data is stored on a MS SQL 
server 2008 
file on Arc 
using Arc-( 
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