Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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the opening session welcoming addresses were delivered by: 
Prof.Dr.F.Ackermann, President, European Organization for Experimental 
Research in Photogrammetry (OEEPE), 
speaking also on behalf of International Assosciation of Geodesy (IAG); 
K.H.Bastian, on behalf of Government Institutions applying photogrammetry 
and remote sensing; 
olf Böhme, Vice President, International Cartographic Association (ICA); 
Dr.Frederick J.Doyle, President, International Society for Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing (ISPRS); 
Prof.Dr.G.Eichhorn, on behalf of International Federation of Surveyors (FIG); 
Prof.Dr.G.Hildebrandt, President, German Society for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing (DGPF); 
F.Schwamm, on behalf of the Minister of Cultural Affairs Rheinland - Pfalz; 
Prof.Dr.E.WeiBmann, President, Fachhochschule Rheinland - Pfalz; 
Winkelmann, on behalf of comercial companies applying photogrammetry and 
remote sensinge 
All speakers emphasized the need for a modern information retrieval system as 
an indispensable tool to promote scientific communication, wishing the confe- 
rence success in this endeavour, The Sister Societies FIG, IAG and ICA 
offered cooperation whilst expressing the hope that ISP - IRS be extended so 
as to serve the broad field of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing as well as 
Surveying and Mapping. 
The Board of Commission VI was in session on 25 September 1982, The meeting 
agreed that 
An Information Retrieval System ISP -IRS be established; 
Access to ISP-IRS be both, online and by postcard communication; 
Access to ISP -IRS be guaranteed to all ISPRS Member Countries; 
Access to ISP-IRS be free of charge, particularly to colleagues not 
disposing on foreign currency (specifically developing countries); 
The Data Base include documentation on literature and on factual data 
(to be identified in specifications); 
The Multilingual Dictionary be part of the software for retrieval; 
Cooperation be offered to Sister Societies FIG, IAG and ICA to create and 
update the Data Base; 
A host country be identified for ISP = IRS. 
Stewart 3

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