Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Mother tongue and professionals 
Each colleague engaged in the activities of WG VI/3 as chairman, 
vice-chairman, member or advisor must fulfil 
2 essentials: 
- He must be a professional expert in the technical field or, at 
least, in several mainfields of PRS. 
- He must besides his mother tongue have fair knowledge of at 
least one (better more) of the three official languages of 
ISPRS (Basic Languages, BL) D, E and F. 
Practically E may act as a kind of guide language. The wonder of 
a bilingual professional colleague would be heartily welcome. 
Foreign- to native-language translation 
Principle No.6 is the premise for the condition that the binding 
coordination of equivalents is exclusively allowed from foreign 
language(s) to mother tongue. If in the status nascendi anybody 
else gives equivalents, they should be understood as preliminary 
proposals only and be punched, stored or printed between two in- 
terrogation marks (?), e.g. ? proposal ?. Only after their bind- 
ing approval, our "mother tongue colleagues" are authorised or 
can give the permission to eliminate these marks. 
Modern computer technique 
It is evident that all these principles can work only by extensive 
use of EDP for all operations of acquisition, storage, sorting, 
coordination, correction and fair output of information. So it may 
quasi be a third essential that each vice-chairman responsible for 
a language has or makes available an efficient computer system 
with interactive text processing and manpower. As a rule, not one 
word used in the course of the dictionary compilation should be 
handwritten, typed or copied more than once. The next handling 
must be punching or terminal-input. Then follows data processing 
only! Data exchange via mag-tapes and transmigration of existing 
programs and procedures may yield minor problems only. 
Each of the above mentioned Reference Booklets (part 2) contains 
Standard digits'’ for Reference Indices (RI) 
“ exclusively the Reference Indices printed in standard digits which 
can be used, understood and also delivered worldwide. Only the 
headings of the numerous columns, each representing a language, 
Show the standardized symbol for this language. So these booklets 
can be produced (and/or even reproduced) at any computer station 
in the world. Nevertheless it is very easy to automatically pro- 
duce upon request for local purposes a booklet in local characters 
(part 3). In the same way it is possible to produce with little 
effort the combination of Entry-list with Reference-list. 
This term was created, meaning the worldwide used and known ciphers. 
Q, 1, 2 ... 9, commonly called "Arabic ciphers" but source of con- 
fusion with the quite different characters really used in Arabic 
Lindig 4 

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