Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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2.10 Characters for each language 
The texts of the Glossaries not belonging to a language using com- 
mon Latin characters are to be produced in a country where for 
punchers, displays and printers a set of their special characters 
is available. No problems arise from transliteration, correction 
of printing errors and number of needed copies. Just from the eco- 
nomic point of view it is very important to be very flexible in 
the decision about the number of edited copies of the different 
Language Volumes. Obviously the demand for copies in € will De 
higher than for any other language. With a certain distance some 
other widespread languages may follow, decreasing more and more 
to mini-editions for less used languages. 
The lack of funds will force us to produce the small editions by 
multiple computer prints or perhaps by xeroxing. Only for the 
higher editions press printing could be considered, but surely 
not before final versions are existing. Nobody knows when this 
will happen. So even for these languages an easier way to produce 
reprints has to be considered, eventually by decentralisation via 
3. Advantages 
As already mentioned in the General Remarks many important reasons and 
advantages must be obvious to justify the adoption of a completely new 
conception. The following 10 may be convincing enough. It is up to the 
reader to find some more advantages or naturally also some disadvan- 
tages. : 
3.1 The entire technical field concentrated in one volume, usable as 
glossary in the own language or as dictionary in any desired com- 
bination (2.1-and 2.2). 
3,2 Binding translation for each language independent of its spreading 
helps international professional communication (2.6 and 2.7). 
3.5 With respect to the presently rapid development of technics in all 
disciplines the closely connected evolution of professional lan- 
guages calls for a conception permitting easy extensions for new 
Terms as well as for further languages (2.2, 2.5 and 2.9). 
3.4 Everybody knows that such a huge work as a Multilingual Dictionary 
can never be free of errors (e.g. printing errors or bad defini- 
tions). The urgent demand for an easy way of continuous corrections 
is met especially in cases where one Volume only is concerned (2.2 
and 2.8). 
3.5 But also the simple up-dating is guaranteed, in cases of extensions 
influencing all volumes, by easy production of addenda to Glossary- 
Books and new Reference-Booklets. At any time up-dated files are 
available for the output of revised editions (2.2, 2.5, 2.8 and 2.9). 
3.6 For non-latin languages no problems arise by the compilation, print- 
ing and proofreading due to the production of the Glossaries in the 
countries of origin language where sets of special characters are 
available. .(2.2,.2.9.and:2.10). 
Lindig 5 

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