Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Thus, the costs per copy decrease hyperbolically with the print run, as is 
shown in figure 3. Here we see that publishing a scientific book may become 
cheaper by the factor three when raising the print run from 1,000 to 4,000. 
Due to hyperbolic feature, a further raise of the print run does not anymore 
reduce the production costs so striking. 
Pe X dil 0 d dic a 1 Print run 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, Karlsruhe 1 200 
Bulletin de la Société Francaise de Photogrammétrie, Paris | 1 000 
Geodez ja i Aerofotosjomka, Moskwa 1 obo 
Osterreichische Z.f.V. und Photogrammetrie, Wien 1 200 
Photogrammetria (international journal), Amsterdam 1 ooo 
Photogrammetric Record, London 1 250 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Washington | 11 ooo 
Print run of some photogrammetric periodicals 
(after HOTHMER 1980 a ) 
Table 2 
Likewise, the costs for publishing a scientific periodical depend on the print 
run. Table 2 is added providing information on the print run of some profes- 
sional journals of our field. However, some more factors have an impact on the 
costs of periodicals. More specific, the volume of advertisement, depending in 
itself on the print run, can reduce costs considerably. Therefore, we are not too 
much surprised judging from table 3 that costs of two well known journals differ 
by a. factor .of. ten. 
+ Cost per page Scientific |... ; t 
D e i3 1 (scient.- techn.) | Issues technical re scene 
DS incl.postage per year | pages on assue 
US $ per issue s 
PhotEng, Washington 0,01 12 80 50 
BuL, Karlsrune > 0410 | 6 3 Lo ^ 1o 
Cost comparison of periodicals with high and low print run 
(after HOTHMER 1980 a) 
Table 3 
Coming to the present state of biliography in our broad field we find that some 
countries, such as both Germanies, the Netherlands, Hungary and England, compile 
literature references being published monthly in the format of cards or book- 
lets. In addition, some individuals publish occasionally lists of literature re- 
ferences covering their narrow fields. Though valuable these attempts are, the 
outcome is not very practicable, for it is a tedious undertaking to use them. 
The main disadvantage is that combination of serveral keywords within a litera- 
ture search is most time consuming. Electronic data processing seems to be the 
. remedy. That requires storage of all information into a data base. Other orga- 
nizations such as NASA and Lockheed have already arranged their data bases with 
some millions of literature references inlcuding Occasionally also some sub- 
fields of remote sensing. However, for our broad field no reliable data basis 
is available in no country. 
Hothmer 5

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