Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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T A complete bibliography of all the papers published in all the issues of 
Photogrammetria, all the archives, and all the conference proceedings 
2« A complete index by subject of all the papers published as stated in 1. above. 
Need for a policy 
In the foregoing paragraphs we have pointed out a number of deficiencies in the 
ISPRS publications program. It is easy to see that the correction of these 
deficiencies will take a great deal of work and a considerable amount of money. 
But there is no reason to be discouraged by this prospect. We can address one 
problem at a time and divide the work among many hands. As for the cost in funds, 
it may well be said that a properly managed publications program can be a source 
of revenue for the society, rather than outlay. 
The way to begin the efficient management of our publications is to formulate our 
objectives. In other words, we have to begin by establishing a publications policy. 
Let us next consider what practical steps can be taken towards developing such a 
The foregoing considerations indicate clearly that a great deal needs to be 
done to bring the society's publications program to the peak of usefulness. The 
next subject for consideration is the preparation of a plan for approaching that 
goal. In the following paragraphs, some practical steps are suggested, with the 
hope that they will form the basis for a wide-ranging discussion that will bear fruit 
in the form of a feasible publications policy. 
The editors of Photogrammetria have done very well in producing the journal 
under the low-key circumstances that seem to have prevailed. Evidently there has 
never been a forceful effort by the society to make the journal lively, broad in 
interest, and attractive to readers and advertisers alike. 
Content.—The most obvious area for improvement of the journal is in its 
content. Ihe published articles have been invariably of excellent quality, but 
generally of a highly specialized nature. This is not easy to remedy, for the editor 
can publish only the articles he receives—still an effort could be made to obtain 
articles of wide appeal. And surely the national societies would be glad to have the 
best articles from their respective journals reprinted in the international journal. 
From this suggestion there follows immediately the well known problem of 
language. If the original language of a paper happens to be a minority language, 
there should be a full translation for publication in one major language (English, 
French, or. German) with abstracts in the other official languages. 
It is suggested, however, that the emphasis of Photogrammetria's content 
should be only partly on complete technical articles. An equal amount of emphasis 
Thompson 5

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