Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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should be devoted to other kinds of information to suit the international character 
of the journal. Such information would include: 
l. Comprehensive summaries of articles from all photogrammetric 
journals around the world, giving the title, author, source, and a two- or 
three-sentence summary for each article. This service alone would be 
sufficient justification for publishing the  periodical--perhaps at 
quarterly intervals. 
Li Announcements and calls for papers for meetings and symposia of all 
member societies. 
3. Actions of ISPRS officers and council. 
4, Plans for congresses of ISPRS. 
>. Notice of activities of ISPRS commissions and working groups. 
6. Notices and reviews of books and proceedings volumes. 
7. News of individuals, including significant job assignments or accom- 
plishments (e.g., award winners) and obituaries of eminent photo- 
It appears that it was originally intended to include such broad information in 
the journal, for the long list of contributing editors from many countries around the 
globe would imply a comprehensive newsgathering plan. Unfortunately, it appears 
that these editors were appointed mainly for honorary reasons and that they have 
not contributed very much. But they do comprise a distinguished, highly competent 
group; with appropriate restaffing and motivation they could prove to be extremely 
Publication and editing.--A possible reason for the light promotion of 
Photogrammetria is the fact that it is published, not by ISPRS, but by a 
commercial publishing company. It has been suggested that the society should be 
the publisher of its own journal and own the copyrights. The society, as publisher, 
could contract with a press establishment for printing the journal. Such an 
arrangement would require, of course, that the society have competent machinery 
for managing the publication. 
But there are some problems associated with this proposed arrangement. 
First of all, Photogrammetria and its name are the property of Elsevier Publishing 
Company. To discontinue the association with Elsevier, ISPRS would have to 
establish a completely new journal with another name; meanwhile, Elsevier could 
continue with Photogrammetria, dropping its designation as the official journal of 
ISPRS. Secondly, the problems cannot, in fairness, be ascribed to Elsevier, as that 
establishment has been extremely cooperative in its dealings with ISPRS. 
Another alternative that has been suggested is that the publication of the 
society's journal could be managed for ISPRS by one of the national societies that 
Thompson 6 

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