Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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already publishes a journal.  ISPRS would be the official publisher and be 
responsible for all editorial functions. The managing society would act as the 
agent of ISPRS in obtaining competitive bids for printing, awarding the contract, 
and conducting business with the printer. Again, the problems of such an 
arrangement would have to be solved with respect to Elsevier's interests. 
If Photogrammetria is to have a comprehensive content as described above, 
then the editing task will become quite formidable. At the present time, Elsevier 
handles much of the editing task. It cannot be expected that, without the editing 
services performed by Elsevier, such work can be done in someone's spare time. 
With an increased content and without Elsevier's services, it would then be 
necessary to employ a competent editor who can devote at least half his time to 
the journal. For such an effort, adequate compensation would have to be paid, 
commensurate with the magnitude of the task. 
Circulation.--With a circulation of less than 1,000, the cost per copy of 
producing Photogrammetria is extremely high, necessitating the prohibitive sub- 
scription price of some $56 per annum. The high subscription price tends to reduce 
the circulation further, which in turn decreases the prestige and influence of the 
journal. This self-defeating cycle must be altered. 
It seems obvious that the first step towards increasing the circulation is to 
decrease the subscription rate, even if the society has to subsidize the journal for a 
while. The next step would be to advertise the new subscription rate and the 
improved content in the journals of the national societies (which should run the 
advertisements free of charge). These advertisements would emphasize the 
international news content not found in national journals. The individual photo- 
grammetrist must be convinced that his professional knowledge is incomplete 
unless he reads Photogrammetria along with his national journal. 
As a further incentive to the prospective subscriber, plans should be 
announced to prepare and publish a comprehensive index to Photogrammetria so 
that published information can readily be found. 
Once the circulation increases appreciably, advertisers will find 
Photogrammetria to be an attractive medium for reaching potential clients around 
the world. The resulting increase in revenue from advertisers should then enable 
the journal to pay its own way without a subsidy. Ua 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
The Archives of ISPRS contain a great deal of valuable information, but they 
are little used in proportion to their content. The principal problems are that the 
volumes of past congresses are bulky and inconvenient to handle, the format varies 
from paper to paper, and it is quite difficult to find information because there is no 
subject index. The following remedies are suggested. 
Thompson 7

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