Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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l. Ensure a uniform format by requiring rigid conformance to specified 
size of paper and margins. This objective should be obtained by the new 
practice of having the congress committee or symposia host society 
print the proceedings. 
2. Number the pages sequentially throughout each volume. 
3. Prepare a subject index for each future archives, in addition to the 
Table of Contents. 
4. | Prepare a cumulative index for past archives (say 1952-1980). The 
preparation and sale of the index could be handled by one of the 
national societies. 
These steps would help eliminate the present situation wherein papers 
presented at the congresses are seldom mentioned as references, principally 
because it is so difficult to find mention of a given subject in the archives. 
Conference proceedings 
It is highly desirable that the proceedings be published for all ISPRS 
conferences and symposia at which papers worthy of publication are presented, so 
that they can be incorporated in the archives. In order that such proceedings 
volumes may be produced in a uniform and convenient format, the papers should be 
prepared in accordance with standard guidelines. A practice similar to that 
followed by the American Society of Photogrammetry would be useful for this 
purpose. Each author receives a set of guidelines and a supply of model paper with 
margins ruled and instructions given in non-reproducible blue. The text is typed on 
the model paper to provide uniform camera-ready copy which can be economically 
reproduced for binding in attractive proceedings volumes. 
It has been customary for the host national society to manage the publication 
of proceedings volumes. This should be continued under the guidance of the 
Publications Policy Committee. 
Funding for the publication of proceedings volumes should be derived from 
the conference registration fees, with each registrant entitled to receive a copy. 
Sales of additional volumes should be managed by the national society producing 
the publication. Such management may include the establishment of an additional 
sales point in the opposite hemisphere. 
Each paper should be printed in full in one of the official languages, with an 
abstract in at least one other major language. 
ISPRS Bulletin 
It has been proposed that a periodical be established in bulletin form to 
contain the information items heretofore transmitted in the form of announce- 
ments or circulars. Such a bulletin, issued perhaps on a quarterly basis, would 
provide a more convenient and more certain means of reaching individual photo- 
Thompson 8 

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