Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Language problems 
To meet the language problems already addressed, there are several steps 
that ISPRS could undertake: 
l. Publish a multilingual glossary of terms in photogrammetry and remote 
sensing. In this vein, Working Group VI-3 has begun the production of 
such a glossary, as described by Dr. Gerhard Lindig in his paper 
scheduled for this meeting at Mainz. Also, discussions have already 
been undertaken with the American Society of Photogrammetry regard- 
ing ISPRS use of the multilingual glossary of remote sensing terms soon 
to be published by ASP. 
2. Publish definitions, in major languages, of the terms listed in the 
multilingual glossary. 
3. Make all ISPRS publications available to national societies, free of 
charge, for translation into that.country's language, with unrestricted 
publication rights. - 
Central distribution of publications 
As ISPRS has no permanent headquarters, it likewise has no warehouse 
facility where copies of its publications may be stored for sale or other distribu- 
tion. Thus, if a person writes to the President or Secretary-General of ISPRS 
seeking to purchase a certain volume of the archives or other publication, he must 
be referred to the country which sponsored the congress or symposium. 
This problem could be solved if ISPRS were to set up two central distribution 
centers, one in Europe (perhaps at ITC) and one in the Americas (perhaps at ASP 
headquarters). These centers could stock all publications and handle sales and 
All material published under the auspices of ISPRS should be copyrighted 
either by ISPRS or by the national society managing the publication in question. 
Permission to quote in a scientific publication should be granted liberally. 
However, reproduction or extended use of ISPRS published material for commercial 
gain should be monitored to assure that appropriate compensation to the society is 
forthcoming. | 
The International Society for Photogrammetry now has the opportunity to 
restructure its publications program as a means of enhancing the prestige and 
influence of the society, providing improved communications to the member 
societies and individual photogrammetrists, and bringing in much-needed revenue 
to support the society's activities. To achieve these ends, the following recommen- 
dations are offered: 
Thompson 1o 

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