Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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has already taken up the task of assisting in updating the inventory of 
WG VI-1. The task is immense. Having a correct and updated inventory is 
the beginning. To derive benefits from this is the final goal. That, 
however, requires close cooperations aimed finally at technology transfer, 
and mutual assistance (also in the form of inter-institutional research). 
While not all modern technology is appropriate in all the countries, 
many areas can probably bypass many of the early steps in technological 
development. However, the very introduction of the technology often causes 
socio-political perturbations that do not necessarily parallel the steps of 
industrialization in the Western countries. A visible trend exists in the 
ensuing confusion in these regions. Before the confusion goes out of hand 
it is necessary that we take a look from the point of view of the world 
areas that are usually on the receiving end of "technology transfer". 
The technology that has been working wonders in expensive-labour, 
cheap-capital economy cannot necessarily export it with happy results. The 
problem of "technology transfer" remains yet one of the knottiest facing 
the development officials and the academicians who are dragged into the 
problem arena. Sensing and relieving the burden is better done at the level 
of education wherefrom the society obtains usually its guidance and 
Self determination and mutual cooperation are deemed better than 
mere foreign aid. It is in this context that some regional conferences are 
contemplated, because such conferences are deemed absolutely necessary. 
Regional, in view of differences in their requirements based on geographical 
and socio-economic conditions as well as to keep the groups smaller in view 
of closer and in-depth cooperation. Conference, because conferences have 
been found to be the most effective initial contacts amongst several 
individuals intended to work in a team for mutual benefits. 
On a closer study of the status of Education in photogrammetry and 
remote sensing, one can see three areas in the World that are in immediate 
need in this regard, viz., 
1) The African countries (in general); 
2) The South-East Asian countries; and 
3) The South and Central American countries. 
The emphasis being on Education, at this stage, it is intended 
that only those that are directly concerned with the academic problems in 
these fields would join such conferences. In view of developmental research, 
one can visualize, however, that non academic agencies may be included in 
such conferences should the need be felt. One may note, however, that 
there are other forums available to the production oriented governmental and 
business agencies. Thus initially it is proposed to keep such conferences 
restricted to only academic institutions, which, in some countries, would 
include governmental "in-house" training institutions, 
It is envisaged that these conferences would consider the 
following amongst other relevant topics: 
Ghosh 2

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