Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

systems are established, it would be essential to undertake a 
thorough review of existing information systems including their func- 
tions as well as their capabilities. Accordingly, the meeting decided 
that in order to remedy this situation, a meeting of regional 
and international agencies and scientific organizations including 
some specific national bodies, especially those dealing with 
remote sensing, should be convened by the United Nations Expert 
on Space Applications and be held at the beginning of autumn 1983 
to examine these problems. 
(c) The objective of such a meeting would be to develop means that 
would avoid duplication as well as promote accessibility to 
information data bases world-wide. The meeting would also attempt 
to assign responsibilities for information on specific subjects in 
the areas of remote sensing on regional and international bases 
depending on the specialization of the agency, organization, 
institution or centre concerned. The autumn 1983 gathering would 
be a meeting of experts representing, for example, such bodies as 
EARSeL, ISPRS, Commission of European Communities through its 
appropriate research centre - ISPRA, European Space Agency, 
(Brazil), CNIE (Argentina), CCRS (Canada), Council of Europe, 
INTERCOSMOS, International Geographical Union, COSPAR, IAF and 
appropriate United Nations departments and agencies (OSAD, DTCD, 
(d) In order to promote active co-ordination and other 
activities on long-term basis, among the above organizations, 
agencies and institutions, participants agreed that a directory 
should be published and revised as may be necessary, preferably 
every two years. Such a directory should include such things as 
the names of the agencies and the department that is responsible 
for space activities in each agency; the name, address, telephone 
number and telex address of the contact person in such an organi- 
zation and a maximum of a two-page summary of the proposed five- 
year programme of each of these agencies. 
5. In preparing for the operational phase of remote sensing in 
the immediate future, the participants focussed on how to reach 
the scientific community and professionals in the developing 
countries, and subsequently requested Prof. Savigear of ISPRA to 
develop a background paper on this subject for the 1983 autumn 
6. Participants were unanimous in their belief that requirements 
for remote sensing education and training for developing countries 
should be scientific, technological and applications oriented to 
meet specific needs, and should incorporate appropriate elements 
of environmental, economical and sociological factors. Such a 
training programme should be multi-disciplinary and should 
incorporate elements of fundamentals, applications, research, 
design and manufacturing. It should also consider tne oriorities 
to be established, number of persons to be trained and the different 
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