Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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ies of training and trainees needed in Order to 
lanpower capacity/planning for each countrv. 
Becker) emphasizes the necessity to incorporate 
ements into any remote sensing education and 
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A variety of opportunities, such as the development and 
cations of course modules including those for postgraduate 
ing in remote sensing, are available. Such course modules, 
can be developed and implemented under the United Nations 
Applications Programme long-range practical training as 
bed above, should deal with fundamental concepts including 
1 methodology in specific applications fields. In addition 
ussing on principles governing a particular discipline, 
Such modules should also be application-oriented, putting into 
consideration regional factors. Modules could and should equally 
be developed for decision makers as well as for the mass media. 
Image processing (hard- and soft-ware) have also been developed 
in several institutions. Similar units have been proposed for 
implementation in Saudi Arabia, Colombia, etc. Slightly different 
Systems are being developed elsewhere. These image processing 
developments should be taken into account in the design of courses 
and course modules and in the planning for information systems. 
In order to achieve multiplying effects, such course modules 
would also be needed for teaching teachers. The application modules 
(already tested at the University of Dundee Summer Schools) on 
landuse, meteorological and oceanographic applications developed 
by EARSeL were also described at this meeting. 
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8. The implementation of this training programme using the above 
described course modules will require a variety of personnel. In 
order to fully involve everyone at the local level, the participants 
agreed that a way must be found to motivate senior civil servants 
to delegate authorities and the junior civil servants to develop 
initiatives within the remote sensing discipline and its relevant 
areas of application. The participants agreed that citizens in 
developing countries may reach these goals inside and outside 
their own environment. However, it was the unanimous view of the 
attendees that such a programme, when implemented, should be 
related to the local environment of the trainee in order to truly 
achieve the development of the long sought indigenous capability. 
The programme itself should contain elements of practical applica- 
tions and the course modules should be tailored to the requirements 
of each specific environment. Annex 3 (by Prof. Savigear) contains 
an outline of some approaches to the problem of recruiting the 
necessary personnel and of education in remote sensing. Participants 
also focussed on the need to introduce elements of aerial and space 
photography in secondary schools in both developed and developing 
countries. In this connexion, it was proposed that satellite education 
television might be appropriate to assist in the introduction of 
Such a course under the title: "Look, understand and interpret 
aerial photographs and space imagery". The United Nations Expert 
on Space Applications was mandated to discuss the feasibility of this 
approach with the Department of Public Information at the United 
Nations Headquarters. 
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