Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Table 4 
Equipment Used in Teaching 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Name of Equipment Photogrammetry 
f Remote Sensing 
Zeiss Jena  SGtecometer 
Zeiss June Stereometrograph 
Zeiss Stereotope 
Digital Cambridge Comparator 
Digitisers 5 
Terrestrial Cameras 
Galileo Stereosimplex 
Zeiss Reductor 
Thompson Watts Plotter 
Zeiss 03 - P 
Aerial Cameras 
Kelsh Plotter 
Radial Secator 
Ramtech Graphics Terminal 
Dipix Image Analysis System 
Normende Colour Monitor 
ITC Igekanui T.V. Camera 
ITC Igekanui B/W Monitor 
Multispectral viewer 
Zeiss Jena Interpretscope 
Hasselblad cameras 
Leitz 70 mm. Projector 
Multispectral imagery 
Grinnel GMR27 with colour monitor 
Lm Ui P2 F2 
NH NH Hn = Ww 
| | 1 
Alfred Adamec heads Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 
Australia. His qualifications include degrees in 
Law, Surveying, and diplomas in Cartography and 
Adamec 5 

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