Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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are also taken to the photogrammetric instruments of Survey of India located 
at nearby Dehra Dun. The students of postgraduate diploma course of Peraig- 
nar Anna University of Technology, Guindy, Madras are taken to the photogram- 
metric instruments of Survey Training Institue, Hyderabad for a fortnight 
where they spend about 40 hours on practical work. Thus, the time available 
for practical work for advanced photogrammetry courses in the Universities 
is very limited. 
Similar situation prevails in the foreign countries. Dr. M.T. Erez has re- 
ported in his paper that the number of lecture hourse during the whole study 
period in the European University studies varies from 100 to 150 hours and 
the period for practical exercises in photogrammetry varies from 100 to 
250 hours. Dr. Z. Sitek has reported in his paper that 48 hours of lectures 
and 64 hours of laboratory work for advanced photogrammetry are too few 
to acquaint the students with the basics and other important photogrammetric 
problems. Dr. D.K. Rokos has reported that in Greece they can devote about 
26 hours of lectures and 26 hours of practical exercise for each of the 
three groups of advanced photogrammetry subjects. 
In our advanced photogrammetry courses conducted in Survey Training Insti- 
tute (STI), Hyderabad we can devote in one year about 100 periods (750 hours) 
of lectures and another 1,000 periods (750 hours) of practical work includ- 
ing the final project which involves deeper study or research in some theo- 
retical or practical aspects of photogrammetry at the advanced level. Thus, 
it is clear that in STI a more thorough and comprehensive instruction is 
provided to the participants of the advanced photogrammetry course than 
is possible in the universities. We therefore succeed in reaching a much 
higher standard of knowledge and practice in photogrammetry in our advanced 
photogrammetry course. 
Advanced Photogrammetry Course Objectives 
Dr. A.J. Brandenberger has observed that "It is recognized that the stronger 
a profession's education system is, the stronger is the profession itself. 
This is reflected in the organizational and administrative structure and 
structuring of its education system". In India it was estimated in 1976 
that the projected survey jobs were about three to four times the capacity 
of Survey of India and therefore, only the high priority survey jobs were 
taken up. Thus, the economic development of the country was hampered due 
to lack of timely surveys. It was decided to increase the photogrammetric 
instruments in India gradually to rectify this imbalance. It necessitated 
training to a number of professional photogrammetrists at an advanced level. 
The Advanced Photogrammetry course of STI was designed to fulfil this long- 
felt need. 
The objectives of the Advanced Photogrammetry course of STI are: - 
a..to produce professional photogrammetrists capable of planning, organis- 
ing, executing and controlling photogrammetric work of a group of 20 
to 30 technical personnel 
b) to enbable the trained officers to reach a stage so that they can syn- 
thesise, analyse and utilise the theoretical knowledge gained to tackle 
survey tasks with full technical appreciation 
c) to bring the trainees to a level so that they can pursue newly emerging 
photogrammetric problems individually 
Datta, Beotra 2 

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