Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Second advanced course for 7 operators (6 from Sudan, 1 from Germany) 
The exterior situation for the second advanced course was already more favourable: 
For the smaller group a sufficient number of precision plotters was avaibable, 
the IPO staff could spend more time per candidate for practical instruction and 
The theoretical entrance level of the participants was lower than that of the 
first group, but was, nevertheless, fully sufficient to follow the lectures and 
instructions on the instruments. But the group needed more time for the ad- 
vanced training program (November 1, 1980 until June 30, 1981 = 8 months). Three 
candidates had already several years of practical experience as operators. Four 
candidates had worked some years as surveying technicians. All participants have 
successfully finished the course - three of them after having repeated examinations. 
Since their return the Sudanese operators are working again at the survey depart- 
ment of Khartoum, Sudan. 
Third advanced and first fundamental course with 15 participants of Africa and 
the Near East 
Before starting the third advanced course, the technical equipment of the IPO 
has been extended up to 21 photogrammetric plotting instruments and two compara- 
tors (see table 5). All instruments are now concentrated in one building. 
In addition to 9 members of developing countries (Sudan 1, Jordan 2, Kenya 2, 
Mali 1, Tanzania 3) 6 candidates of Saudi Arabia joined this 3rd. course, which 
started on October 1, 1981. During the test phase i.e., the first 6 weeks it 
became evident that four participants would not be able to follow the theoretic- 
al and practical parts of the advanced course program. The main reasons were 
lack of practical experience and, partly, the lower mathematical level, too. 
So the IPO staff created a fundamental training course program which will run 
parallel to the advanced program also in future, if necessary. - Both programs 
are discussed and compared in the following section. 
In contrast to the first two courses this mixed third course was composed hetero- 
geneously with respect to countries, level and practical experience of the part- 
icipants. The level difference between the highest and lowest degree of per- 
formance was larger than expected before. 
This fact is reflected also in a wide range of grades at the end of the course: 
.8 candidates of developing countries and 3 participants of Saudi Arabia have 
reached the "diploma of advanced training" with overall grades of satisfactory 
(1), good (6) or very good (4). 
Two candidates have been graded with the "diploma of fundamental training" (sa- 
tisfactory (1), good (1). Two candidates have received a certificate of parti- 
cipation only with a supplement containing the different grades. Because of un- 
sufficient performance both in theory and practice they were not graded with 
a diploma. 
By managing two programs of different levels and of different degrees IPO is 
able to describe the real performance of operators in a detailed manner. In fu- 
ture, based on the experience of this third course, the test phase of the pro- 
gram will be accompanied by rigorous stereoscopic checks and by mathematical 
tests. In virtue of these tests the IPOs staff will decide whether a candidate 
is allowed to follow the advanced training program, whether it will be adviseable 
Mohl 3

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