Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Commission VI 
Symposium held in Mainz, FR Germany, 22-25 September 1982 
Comments on Outline 01.82 and on the Questionnaire (Q1-011) 
opics of ‘the curricula of the categories 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 
42,750854555.9,:5. 10. and 5.12 
b. Every graduate in the categories 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.10, 5.11, 
5.12, in order to get Photogrammetric background has either to attend 
all the Rural and Surveying Engineering courses, or to work on a Ph.D. 
thesis in this Department. 
Q2 a. For my country I think, establishing Standards of competence, is a 
feasible undertaking. 
b. Farthwide, I think it is feasible, but under some presuppositions, the 
more important of which are. 
1. The establishment all over the world of a core curriculum in Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing for the Universities and the Technical and 
vocational schools and 
2. The standadization, by categories of the technical experience in Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing in the following areas: 
2.1 Planning, design and construction of Photogrammetric and R.C. Systems 
2.2 Corresponding applications. 
Q 3 Two levels should be distinguished: 
A. The University level, with A1, and A2 areas of expertise. 
Al. Photogrammetric and R.S. Systems Planning Design and Construction 
A2. Photogrammetric and R.S. Applications 
B, The non University level. 
Bl. Assistants to Al. 
B2. Assistants to A2. 
Q 4 My opinion is that Standards of Competence under the above conditions can 
be applied for all categories. 
Q 5 Yes. Especially with the F.I.G. 
We could mention as considerable factors for such a core curriculum the 
following. The Photogrammetrist and Remote Senser has to be able to: 
A.a) Observe, investigate, study, make assessments, measure, make maps, and 
charts, count, estimate: the quantitative and qualitative data charac- 
teristics of the earth and of the natural and built environment in 
b) Understand the interdependences of the above mentioned data and their 
effects to this environment, under the specific, each time, natural, 
historical and socioeconomic conditions and 
c) Monitor the changes in time, that occur to these data, not only as a 
result of physical, chemical, biological or technical cause, but also, 
of the man's effort to shape his environment. 
B.a) Cooperate, under proper conditions, within interdisciplinary scientific 
working groups and coordinate projects in Integrated Surveys of the 
Natural and Socioeconomic environment àt a national or regional level: 
a 2) In order to propose development projects and 
a 3) In order to follow up their realization and their continuous and 
consistent revision. 
The above multidimensional task determines the principles and directions 
of the necessary core curriculum for the Development oriented Photo- 
grammetrist and Remote Senser. 
SoC 16 

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