Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

In the Third Edition was included the statement that this definition might 
well be amplified to include "interpretation of photographs", that is: Photo- 
interpretation, "as a function of nearly equal importance, for the ability 
to recognize and identify an object by its photographic image is often as import- 
ant as the ability to derive its position from the photographs". 
In view of the developments introduced by remote sensing, by the wide range 
of special remote sensors, and the special techniques applied to process and 
interprete remote-sensing imaginery for the purpose of producing different 
kind of maps, Gruner (1980) proposes to define Photogrammetry as: "the art, 
science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects 
and the environment through processes of recording, measuring, and interpreting 
photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant energy and other 
This definition seems to include not only the traditional scope of Photogrammetry 
implicit in the Greek words from which come the name (photos: light, gramma: 
something drawn or written; and metron: to measrue) but the scope of Photography, 
Remote sensing, and the broad scope of Photo-interpretation which is the axis 
of all the training courses whichever be the field we consider. We could say 
that all the complementary courses of any Photo-interpretation training Course 
in ITC, CIAF or IPI are thought as dependent variables of a main invariable 
function: to make highly qualified photointerpreters. Thus, all the complementary 
courses we teach and continuously we expand and improve in our training Schools 
play the complementary role of increase the "reference level" of Photointerpreters 
no matter which field we consider. From these comments we can conclude that 
if Photography, Remote sensing, and specially Photo-interpretation (in the 
broad sense we give to this art) are intrinsic parts of Photogrammetry, the 
standardization of the PKL of Soil Photointerpreters or any other kind of photo- 
interpreters has a very long road to run. If this is the case, Commission VI 
will have to standardize not only the intrinsic course of Photogrammetry but 
each one of the complementary subjects which are taught for any field of Photo- 
interpreation. For all these reasons we think that a clear definition of the 
Photogrammetry boundaries is needed. There is however the possibility that 
we have misinterpreted the definition proposed by Gruner (1980) and perhaps 
the word "interpretation" appearing there does not have the same broad meaning 
we give to it when we define Photo-interpretation. In this position paper we 
have conferred the first option to this last possibility. So, we will refer 
in depth only to the intrinsec subject of the course of Photogrammetry given 
to Soil photointerpreters in CIAF, ITC and IPI. We will refer also to the subjects 
of Photo-interpretation, Photography and Remote Sensing but in a very general 
way. Concerning to the correct answer to the question about the exact boundaries 
of Photogrammetry I think this will not be a problem. This International Symposium 
has gathered the highest authorities on this subject and for them the explanation 
of this point will be a very easy task. 
3. Basic Objectives of Training Courses 
One more aspect that should be born in mind for the standardization of the 
PKL of Soil photointerpreters is the basic objective of training courses and 
the kind of work a soil photointerpreter is going to do in his specific field 
of action. This aspect is related with question three. 
We have already referred to the fundamental role of Photointerpretation in 
all these kind of training courses independently of the field we consider. 
Therefore, we do not have to go deeper for demonstrate that Photointerpretation 
is the basement of all of them in ITC, IPI, CIAF, and elsewhere. Thus inde- 
pendently of the particular field to which they are oriented, the main objective 
Mejia 4

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