Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Standards for Eduation and Training primarily depend upon the. task of the profes- . 
sional in an organisation and the corresponding level necessary to fulfill this task. 
For each level standards for Education and Training can be defined and requirements 
to reach the standards can be derived in terms of a curriculum and student per- 
formance objectives for each part of that curriculum. 
Definition of tasks and professional qualifications 
Considering the various tasks of photogrammetric staff in scientific and produc- 
tion organisations, viz.: 
- in a scientific organisation: teaching, research and development 
- in a production organisation: managerial tasks, departmental production super- 
vision, production-unit supervision and pure production, 
one can try to define the required qualification level of education and training 
of photogrammetrists for the different tasks as follows: 
- teaching and research task: Master of Science in Photogrammetry 
- managerial task: Master of Science or Post-Graduate in Photogrammetry, depending 
on the size and tasks of the organisation 
- production supervisory task: Post-Graduate or Technologist in Photogrammetry 
- production-unit leader task; Technician in Photogrammetry 
- production task: Operator Photogrammetrist. 
In this paper the Technician's and Operator's levels will not be treated in detail 
(the levels are to be covered by Mr. Scholl in his paper on "Active Photogrammetric 
Technicians"). Only a general philosphy on these levels will be outlined here. 
Proposal for definition of standards for each defined level of education and train- 
ing (or general aims of education at each defined level) 
* Master of Science in Photogrammetry: 
An education at M.Sc. level in Photogrammetry shall denote the ability for in- 
dependent activities at the highest professional level, i.e.: 
- to contribute to the Scientific and technologicaldevelopment of photogrammetry 
- to teach photogrammetry and related subjects in institutes of higher education 
- for other tasks requiring scientific education, such as top-management in 
large production organisations. 
* Specialised "Ingenieur" and/or Post-Graduate in Photogrammetry: 
An education at Post-Graduate level in Photogrammetry shall denote a comprehensive 
and broad-based theoretical and practical ability to eventually (after appro- 
priate experience) organise and manage a photogrammetric department concerned 
with the production of all kinds of maps and to integrate the photogrammetric map 
production techniques within a broader surveying system. 
The authors' believe that such an education can only be given during a period 
of Post-Graduate study (after a B.Sc. study in a related field) or during a 
specialisation of a Survey "Ingenieur" study, because it would be too specialised 
to include it as one of the disciplines of a general academic study. 
* Technologist in Photogrammetry: 
An education at Technologist level in Photogrammetry shall denote a good theo- 
retical and in particular a good practical ability to a level appropriate to 
eventually prepare, organise and carry out photogrammetric 
Visser, Paresi 2 

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