Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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4.1 | started this paper by defining photogrammetry and establishing its link with 
surveying and mapping. In the early ages surveying was surveying'and there was 
no ambiguity about it. There was then no cause to consider ‘professional strategy.‘ 
But in many parts of the world, particularly in the developing countries, there is 
confusion about what is surveying. This has been due mainly to the concept of 
surveying accepted by some international organisations, 
4.2 The United Nations and its agencies adopts the term CARTOGRAPHY to embrace 
geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry, aerial surveys and remote sensing, hydrography, 
map and chart compilation, and reproduction. "Cartography' is an all-embracing 
term. This concept of cartography has not found favour with the International 
Cartographic Association, whose definition of cartography is clearly on map making 
and compilation. The International Cartographic Association has been striving to 
get the United Nations re~examine its idea of the term cartography. This conflict 
is not likely to be confined to both the United Nations and the International 
Cartographic Association. It is already generating controversy which does not augur 
well for the profession. 
into 9 Commissions as follows: - 
Commission 1 Professional Practice 
Commission 2 Professional Education 
Commission 3 Land Information System 
‘Commission 4 Hydrographic Surveying 
Commission 5 Surveying Instruments and Method 
Commission 6 Engineering Surveys 
Commission 7 Cadastre and Rural Land Management 
Commission 8 Urban Land Systems: Town Planning & 
Commission 9 Valuation & Management of Real Estate. 
This classification shows that 'Surveying' within the F. 1. C. includes not only 
surveying and mapping and topics that are directly related to them but also what is 
usually known as Real Estate Appraisal or Estate Management, This has been creating 
confusion or producing lack of clarity even within the F.1.G. itself, it is therefore 
not surprising if the term 'surveying' is creating confusion in the minds of the public 
when both land surveyors and estate agents claim the title 'surveyor', 
ECONOMY (CASLE) is an Association of national societies within the Commonwealth : 
engaged on one or more of the following disciplines: 
(a) Surveying and mapping including all aspects of land, aerial, hydrographic 
and mining surveying 
(b) Quantity surveying and building surveying 
(c) Land economy includi ng the valuation or appraisal of real estate, land 
management, and town planning. 
Coker 5 

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