Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Sessions on 
Audience. of Symposium SUBJECT: ISP-IRS DATE: 06.09.82 
The Data Base for ISP-IRS will be fed with abstracts in at least one 
of the official languages of ISP, viz. English - French - German. Thus, 
started, as an example, with input in English, then 
not consider most valuable literature references in 
if a retrieval 
the search 
French. C 
quently, jumping over the language barrier must be one 
of the major concerns of an International Society. We are, therefore, 
appreciative having an author covering the subject of software for 
automatic translation of abstracts. 
Provided sophisticated automatic translation of full-text abstracts can 
not be accomplished for ISP-IRS, then a merely practical solution can 
possibly be to use the Multilingual Dictionary (terms with definitions), 
to be tackled by Working Group VI-3, as part of the software. This 
guarantees that a search having been initiated in one language will 
result in an output comprising relevant abstracts in all languages. 
Use of ISP-IRS by anybody in any country depends, inter alia, on the 
availability of adequate telecommunication nets. We are glad having 
a specialist to cover this item. Individual questions regarding a 
country can possibly be answered during the discussion period, con- 
sidering also costs. 
Output of ISP-IRS on microfiches can facilitate dispatch and reduce 
the costs for mailing. Therefore, reference is made to the keynote 
address of this Symposium. 
J Session on "Feasibility of, and finalizing the definition phase for ISP-IRS" 
The Chairman of Working Group VI-4 will report on sources and data 
bases as available in ISP Member Countries, considering reliability, 
completeness, updating, output format and access to anybody in any 
The USSR has been invited to report on their most comprehensive literature 
service (see paper on Scientific Communication in ......., by Hothmer). 
When discussing the feasibility to establish a data base for ISP-IRS, a 
decision should be made as to the topics of indoor information to be 
included. Examples are: 
1. ongoing research projects; 
2. unpublished reports, covering research; : 
3. unpublished reports, covering professional items; 
4. brochures of hardware companies; 
5. reports and views on commercial companies; 
6. facts on financial support for projects; 
7. approved multilateral and bilateral projects of technical cooperation; 
8. forthcoming symposia and other events of continuing education, such 
as "Photogrammetric Week Stuttgart"; 
9. views on universities (including ITC Enschede, SSPO St. Gallen, 
IPO Stuttgart); 

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