Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

Outline 10.81 
SUBJECT: Pprtnership - Follow - up DATE: October 1981 
Thus, establishing partnership - follow -up necessitates a tripartite agreement, 
the parties being 
+ the Utilizing = Partner, 
+ the Brain = Ttust - Partner, and 
+ the funding institution. 
Commercial Companies 
Commercial companies have been, and are most active in rendering technical 
know = how to developing countries. Obviously, they have to be paid for their 
work. As funds for follow-up operations have been available only in exceptional 
cases, commercial companies could do very little in this field, and merely 
nothing has been done so far for long lasting follow - ups. 
Our concept of "Partnership = Follow - Up’ endeavours to fill this gap. It is, 
hence, in no way a competition to commercial companies.

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