Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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length of an article in the applied sciences. If the article is 
longer you are separately invoiced from the 17. page on (regular 
ors are billed for surcharge about once a year). The turn-around- 
time varies according to the possible procedures in copying from 
| to 5 days + postal delivery. 
One order form is sold for DM 10,- to clients in Germany, DM 13," 
in the European countries and DM 16,- for airmail overseas. TIB 
is glad, of course, to sell more than one single order form at 
one time. 
All these three leading national document centers are as well serving 
an international clientele. And all three of them apply modern 
The latest hit is "online ordering". Here the results of a search, 
the references, may be converted into orders without rewriting 
or retyping the bibliographic data on a Spectat order form, there- 
by often introducing mistakes. The procedure is as follows: at 
the end of your search you have to mark the interesting references 
and to choose the supplier in whom you trust to react quick and 
positively. These references are transferred to an online order 
file, often called an electronic mailbox. The supplier is regularly 
calling all new requests from this file under his acronym like 
BLLD or TIBORDER. These orders are processed immediately and the 
documents shipped the same day. Unfortunately suppliers have no 
influence on postal delivery of certain countries. 
The technology for online ordering is mainly the same for all 
databases that are already offering this service. Apart from this 
the differences are numerous. These are partly caused by the 
suppliers and partly by the database. 
The BLLD, for example, is supplier to DIALOG and to SDC-ORBIT. But 
this service is restricted to users outside the United Kingdom and 
Ireland. Furthermore users are urged to establish deposit accounts 
in form of books of coupons with the BLLD. Infrequent users may 
request to be invoiced, but there is a 10$ surcharge. Users with 
deposit accounts have to pay unit costs of & 2.20, one unit valueing 
up to 10 pages. Each additional (up to) 10 pages require a further 
unit or coupon. 
CNRS-Informascience offers online ordering for PASCAL on Questel and 
for ESA/IRS. As with ne BLLD the user has to establish a deposit 
account by buying a book of coupons or vignettes (minimum 25 
vignettes, Ffrs 6,- each). Satisfied orders will be deducted from 
this account as long as it lasts. Again as with BLLD this is no 
"Yush service". It is just another way of transmitting orders. 
High speed is the aim of the German central technical library in 
Hannover, when serving online orders. TIB Hannover was among the 
first suppliers when DIALOG introduced the worldwide possibility 
of online ordering of full texts in December 1979. Here the user 
has a looseleaf manual with "yellow sheets" giving details on 
scope of service, options available, charges, and a contact address. 
For the time being the list of suppliers consists of about 70 
addresses and shows many information specialists, research centers, 
Tehnzen 4

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