Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Geo Abstracts Ltd., 
Regency House, 
34, Duke Street, 
Tel. Norwich (0603) 26327 
GEO ABSTRACTS A-G (each part is described 
overleaf) abstracts a major part of the 
Earth Science literature. With Ecological 
Abstracts and Geophysical Abstracts we now 
have an abstracting service covering 
geography, much of geology and ecology 
which includes over 25 000 abstracts a 
year. These can all be bought separately, 
offering a comprehensive service within 
the pocket of individual researcners as 
well as, collectively, a comprehensive yet 
Still relatively cheap service for 
Appendix 4 
This part of Geo Abstracts was started in 
1974 with tne steadily increasing velume 
cf publications on remote sensing. Until 
that year cartograpgry (including some 
related topics of survey and photo- 
interpretation) had been-covered in Part 
D. In 1975 this Part included 2 162 
abstracts, divided about three-quarters to 
remote sensing and one quarter to 
cartography. Formally publisned material 
(articles and books) is covered as well as 
the report literature, conference 
proceedings, and other scattered material. 
The Remote Sensing material is primarily 
divided By the purpose of the 
interpretation (general, geology and 
landforms, ssils, ice and snow, water, 
atmosphere, vegetation and ecology, land 
use and agriculture, and cultural features 
and mapping). However, there are also 
sections covering Instrumentation for 
interpretation, Data processing, Data 
collection platforms (DCP's), the Theory 
of data acquisition, and Platforms and 
Instrumentation. Catalogues of satellite 
and other data are also abstracted and 
thus indexed. 
Cartography is divided into seven sections: 
General Ey INS cartographic education 
and map interpretation), Survey, 
Photogrammetry, Photo maps, Computerised 
cartography, Map projections, and Maps and 
Remark: The former ITC International Bibliography of Photogrammetry(IBP) 
was merged with Gec Abstracts(Part G) from the ‘st of January 
1978 on. 
Since. that date the title cf Part G resds: Remote Sensing, PLo- 
grammetry and Cartography. 
File update: approx. 3000 refs/year. 
DIALOG Information Services, inc 
DIALOG Information Services, Inc ® 
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Other U.S offices located in 
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