v Gabor Remetey-Fülópp
Institute for Hydraulic Planning, Budapest
The computational photogrammetry as advanced
Surface data acquisition procedure combined
with use of integrated engineering program
packages and optimization techniques has in-
creased the efficiency of the design techno-
logy especially in road projects, This paper
is intent to demonstrate, how these aids can
apply in open-channel hydraulics, where the
digitized photogrammetric measurements are
first transformed into the ground system a-
nalytical way, then processed by specific
problem-oriented engineering programs,
Figol Selected test area /upper part/
Location of the test area
For selection, topographic maps at scale
1/25000 and 1/10000 were usede About the
chosen test site, a channel to be rebuilt,
aerial photographs 1/4800 scale were avail=-
able /Fig. 1,2/. In order to classify featu-
res first by visual interpretation within
the delimited area of interest, contact co-
pies of stereo pairs were analysed with ste-
reoscopic viewer, The relative significant
differences in elevation /about lo metres/
and the fact that the selected area was o-
verlapped by more models securing an environ-
ment which is near to the common engineering
practice and is suitable for analysis on sur-
face modelling. We have chosen well identifi-
able features for bridge and baseline points,
Marked using point transfer device, the base-
line - presigned in the practice - served as
references for the geometric positioning rou-
tines of the available Integrated Civil Engi-
neering System developed by the MoIoTe [9].
The boundaries of the band of interest were
also marked both on the diapositives and paper
Fig.2 Selected test area /lower part/
Photogrammetric strip formation
After due considerations taking into account
Specific circumstances as operational effici-
ency and on-line plotting possibility, we de-
cided to carry out the photogrammetric measu-
rements on the first order Wild A-1o stereo-
raph at the Delft University of Technology
PTHD/ . For the strip adjustment of the three
photogrammetric models the method of indepen-
dent model triangulation /IMT/ was used, The
sufficient number of control points were ava-
ilable for the test &rea, have made it possib-
le to employ 2-2 horizontal and vertical cont-
rols at both ends of & bridging interval /fig.
3/. For determination of the projective centers