Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

Cross section 
model for ICES 
Fig.5 Cross section model for ICES 
Data refinement 
Before we filled the different model onto the 
ICES permanent files, numerical data analysis, 
correction and data compression were carried 
out in TSO processing using subroutines of the 
GPGS [3]. The programs written for visual in- 
spection, are still under development to be 
suitable for more complex interactive data ma- 
nipulation in man-machine communication form 
using graphic display like Tektronix or Vector 
General, During the displaying and updating 
phase, we have used successfully the HRD-1, an 
ultra-high resolution film recording and dis- 
play system installed at the Rijkswaterstaat’s 
Meetkundige Dienst in Delft. The PDP 11/45 
minicomputer-HRD configuration made it possib- 
le to compile and edit data stored on several 
data sets /fig. 4,5/, merging data from diffe- 
rent sources Trig 6/ and lettering compiled 
digital map. Corrections has been made intere 
actively in refresh mode using the SOLADI soft- 
ware package /released by the Laser-Scan Ltd, 
Cambridge, England/. About the corrected pictu- 
res we have obtained high-quality hard copies 
on diazo film, The updated information was 
transferred onto 9 track 800 bpi mag tape to 
be saved for use as input data for later pro- 
cessing by ICES, 
Computer-aided design by ICES 
The idea to define the ground model for river 
Fig.6 Contours /string model/ 
version of ICES/ROADS, The purpose was the 
same; simulating subcritical flow of water in 
open-channel, where the existed/proposed bed 
geometry is described at representative cross 
sections upon which eg. longitudinal profile 
computations can be made, The channel planning 
along the band of interest was not executed 
in a single run. The solution of the entire 
problem was built up incrementally from a num- 
ber of separate job to enable us to study 
all the intermediate results making decisions 
in the right time. All the relevant data rela- 
ted to the problem were saved and if it was 
needed restored on secondary storage during 
the time of design activity. We have used 
batch and TSO processing depending on the 
kind of the computation, Fig. 7 shows this 
man-machine configuration during the compu- 
ter-aided channel design. 
Because photogrammetry can not produce 
underwater, subsurface and covered feature 
data, we have generated sounding, boring 
and additional field measurement data cre- 
ating a multisurface model for the subsequent 
computations, After that the terrain and sub- 
surface data, the baseline, horizontal/ver- 
tical alignment geometry, typical cross sec- 
tion as far as the template change set has 
been defined, the system was ready to exe- 
cute the design of the channel, Implemented 
the typical cross section into the ground 
model at each station where terrain data 
environment with the ICES/ROADS subsystem is not has been defined, the specific program has 
a revolutionary new one Last year, Robinson 
[11] introduced the RIVERS subsystem based on 
the McDonnell Douglas Automation Company's 
calculated the material volumes, setting- 
out data etc. By modification of alignment 
data and/or change of typical section, se- 

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