Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

DIGITIZED | I wish to express my particularly gratitude to 
PHOTOGRAMMETRIC Mr A,van Voorden /Department of Geodesy, Delft 
DATA FIELD DESIQNER'S DATA University of Technology/ and Mr J,G,van der 
CONTROL Fon Kraan /Rijkswaterstaat, Meetkundige Dienst/ for 
their continuous assistance during the photog- 
BEN rammetric data acquisition and display phases, 
SPECIFIC References 
para l. Adolfsson,B.: The Adaptation of Photogram- 
SAN j metric Techniques to Road Design Needs. 
PERMANENT \2 NATO Advanced Study Institute Seminar, 
Copenhagen, 1972 
2, Pfaltz,J.L.: Representation of Geographic 
Surfaces within a Computer, NATO Advanced 
Study Institute Seminar, Nottingham,1973 
3. Caruthers-van Dam: General Purpose Graphic 
+ Systeme Catholic University of Nijmengen, 
4. Report of the Working Group IV/1. 
ISP Congress, Helsinki,1976 
SELECTIVE 5, Schut,G.H.: Review of Interpolation Methods 
PRINTOUTS for Digital Terrain Models. The Canadian 
Surveyor Vol.30No,5 Dec.1976 
6. Bauhuber-Erlacher-Giinther: MBB ICES DGM 
A Digital Terrain Model and its Application 
First European ICES User?s Group Conference 
7. Craine-Houlton-Malcomsons: MOSS - Modelling 
Systems, The Journal of the Institution of 
Highway Engineers April,1977 
5 em 8. Craine-Heatherington: Ground Model Accura= 
Fig. 7 Man-machine configuration in CAD eR PRO Sumger AÄnnusl Meeting ‚1977 
9, Duivenvoorden,J,: ICES ROADS /M,I,.T, Ver- 
sion/. Tutorial Lecture held on the First 
European ICES User®s Group Conference, 
veral design alternatives were efficiently Delft,1977 
analysed, The total CPU time was lo8s in lo. Kozák,M.: A szabadfelszinü nem permanens 
the IBM 370/158 environment, vizmozgások számitása /Computation of the 
free surface unsteady water flows/ 
Further investigations Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest,1977 
11, RIVERS Section of ROADS User?s Manual 
The time till now has been used to collect Systems Laboratory, Ministry of Works and 
experience with ICES, to prepare several ty- Development. Wellington,1977 
pes of surface model and to formulate requi- 
rements for further investigations, As the 
next step we will compare the various types 
of model analytical way, The results should 
be published next year, The classical sec- 
tion pattern of ICES for surface represen- 
tation seems to be overshadowed in the li- 
terature by string concept and irregular 
triangle meshing. Further aim of investiga- 
tion is to find more efficient datastorage 
techniques /as reviewed in [2]/ and data ma- 
nagement form for bed description required 
in modelling of natural/artifical free sur- 
face flows, The described technique for chan- 
nel design would appear equally possible with 
MBB DGM [6] and MOSS [7,8] as for the ICES 
System, Therefore, it would be desirable to 
make comparative investigations upon the same 
data base, MOSS has not been used for such 
application in Britain till 1977. After ac- 
quainting with the recent modelling systems, 
the selected one should be done fully I/O 
compatible with the engineering problem sol- 
ving programs developed by the Institute for 
Hydraulic Planning, Budapest for open-channel 
Steady flow analysis, The bed data storage 
and retrieval system would be a suitable basis 
&lso for free surface unsteady flow simulation 
using & series of scientific subroutines writ- 
ten in FORTRAN, described by prof, Kozák from 
the Budapest Technical University [10]. 

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