Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

Dahle, Erik Olav (Dr) 
First Vice President 
International Society for Photogrammetry 
Director, Norges Geografiske Oppmáling 
Postboks 8153 DEP 
Danko, Joseph O Jr., 
President, Kelsh Instrument Division 
Danko Arlington Incorporated 
4800 East Wabash Avenue 
Baltimore, Maryland 21215 
United States of America 
Dauphin, Ed L 
Secretary, ISP Commission V 
Department of Photogrammetry 
The Royal Institute of Technology 
$-100 44 Stockholm 
Derrington, Michael 
Simon Engineering Laboratories 
The University of Manchester 
Manchester M13 9PL 
United Kingdom 
Doyle, Frederick J (Dr) 
Secretary General 
International Society for Photogrammetry 
USGS National Center 516 
Reston, Virginia 22092 
United States of America 
Eales, Nicholas J (Dr) 
Longdin and Browning (Surveys) Limited 
Old Castle Offices 
United Kingdom 
Ederyd, Johnny  (lantmátare) 
Statens lantmáteriverk 
S-801 12 Gávle 
Sweden : 
Egels, Ives (Ingenieur Geographe) 
2, avenue Pasteur 
F-94160 Saint Mandé 

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