Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

Konecny, Gottfried L (Prof Dr) 
ISP Congress Director, 1980 
Institut für Photogrammetrie 
Technische Universität 
Nienburgerstrasse 1 
D-3000 Hannover 
Federal Republic of Germany 
Kratky, Vladimir (Dr) 
Photogrammetric Research 
Division of Physics 
National Research Council of Canada 
Ottawa, Ontario 
Canada KIA OR6 
Krauss, Herbert  (Dipl-Ing) 
Institut für Anwendungen der Geodäsie im Bauwesen 
Universität Stuttgart 
Keplerstrasse 10 
D-7000 Stuttgart 1 
Federal Republic of Germany 
Larsson, Jan (civ ing) 
Department of Photogrammetry 
The Royal Institute of Technology 
S-100 44 Stockholm 
Larsson, Rune (civ ing) 
Department of Photogranmetry 
The Royal Institute of Technology 
S-100 44 Stockholm 
Lindberg, Ake (ing) 
The Swedish National Institute for Building Research 
Box 785 
$-801 29 Gávle 
Lindberg, Kjell (civ ing) 
AGA Geotronics AB 
S-181 81 Lidingô 
Linkwitz, Klaus (Prof Dr-Ing) 
Chairman of ISP Working Group V-5 
"Industrial Photogrammetry" 
Institut für Anwendungen der Geodásie im Bauwesen 
Universität Stuttgart 
Keplerstrasse 10 
D-7000 Stuttgart 1 
Federal Republic of Germany 

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