Hologram interferometry of mechanical deformations
Leif Ek and Klaus Biedermann
Dept of Physics II and Institute of Optical Research
The Royal Institute of Technology
a. Semi-automatic data extraction and evaluation in hologram inter-
The interference fringes in a holographic interferogram resulting
from an object deformation are generally localized in space. The
displacement vector can be evaluated by using the fringe parallax
occurring when the direction of observation is changed. In the system
developed at the Institute of Optical Research [1, 2], a conjugate
reconstruction beam scans the hologram and the resulting fringe
motion is recorded in the real image of the object.
Analysis and experiments showed that the system is capable of inter-
polating fringes to. 1/100 of a fringe. Three-dimensional displacement
components could be determined with an accuracy of about 40 nm and
strain with an accuracy of about 10 ystrain over an observation length
of about 1 cm.
b. A TV-speckle vibration interferometer
A number of TV-systems combined with speckle-interferometers have been
reported, in part comprising extensive electronic equipment for image