Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

(b) Steel fabrication typically contains less steel than 
the reinforcement steel of a concrete platform. 
However, the disadvantages include: 
(a) The long installation programme once in position, in- 
cludes a major piling operation to anchor the platform 
to the sea-bed. This and the fitting of accammodation 
modules are vulnerable to delays from bad weather and 
interruptions in the extended supply lines for materials. 
(b) Even with protective coatings and cathodic protection 
systems, steel platforms have suffered severely from 
sea-water corrosion. 
2.1. Steel Oil-Production Platforms have three main components: 
(a) The jacket, so called because it wraps around the 
oil conductors. 
(b) The deck, fitted to the top of the jacket. 
(c) Modules which accommodate living units, drilling 
equipment and processing equipment. 
The jacket comprises 4 or 6 large tubular legs which stand 
on the sea-bed. Each leg is surrounded by about 8 piles 
which run to the full height of the jacket and are driven 
into the sea-bed to anchor the structure. These piles are 
held in position by a series of collars or pile guides 
fitted to the legs. In the centre of the jacket, are a 
series of conductor guide panels; these protect and guide 
the conductors carrying the oil up from the wells driven 
into the sea bed. 
A series of bracing tubulars interconnect the various com- 
ponents joining at specially reinforced nodes. 
The overall size of the jackets may be l60m tall with a 
base of 90m by 75m. The main legs are typically 5m dia- 
meter; but up to 20m diameter in some designs. 

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