Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

of the center of the best-fit circle, 
its radius and deviations of the points 
from the best-fit circle. Graphical 
display of the results is prepared for 
these computations too; see Figure 16 
for a typical presentation. 
Fitting Foreward and After Sections 
All of the calculations described in paragraphs 
3.5.2 are performed for each ship half. Moreover, 
they are preferably performed at separate points in 
time so that, if necessary, trimming of one-half 
may be modified to accommodate discovered shortages 
in the other. It may also be desirable to make other 
structural modifications before either half is 
Once both ship-halves have been surveyed and 
their as-built coordinates are in hand, one set of 
coordinates is transformed to the other using the 
same transformation program described in paragraph In performing this particular transformation 
a coordinate weighting scheme is adopted which produces 
a transformation (i.e. mathematical fit-up) which most 
closely resembles shipyard procedure when the actual 
fit-up is performed. 
a) the point on centerline at the tank top is forced 
to match perfectly in offset and elevation 
b) the point on centerline at the main deck is 
forced to match perfectly in offset only; this 
condition combined with "a" above closely 

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