Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

§ 1 General Remarks 
The author has been engaged in the application of photogrammetry 
since 1949, originally in map-making, measurement of excavation volumes for 
dam construction, etc., but recently the photogrammetry has extended their 
application to the various kind of fields and played the important role in 
planning and surveying of social and engineering field, especially in the 
. field of industry. This paper deals with the some recent achievements in 
the industrial field in Japan, especially on the developed fields after 
Helsinki Congress in 1976. 
$ 2 Historical Background in Japan in the Field of Industrial Photogrammetry 
The author has started to study the camera calibration of terres- 
trial phototheodolite in 1948 in the field and the optical bench. In 1949, 
the terrestrial photogrammetry was applied in the field of dam construction 
for making the large scale maps such as 1:500 and 1:300 and used for planning 
of big dam construction. In 1950 at the Niigata beach facing the Japan Sea, 
specially designed two stereocameras were used for catching behaviour of the 
wave pattern in the sea with the co-operation of Hydraulic Department, 
Transportation Ministry. 
In the next year, precision measurement of the Great Buddha was 
done by short-range photogrammetry for computing the center of Gravity and 
weight. This procedure gave the weight as about 120 tons as compared with 
the actual figure of 12112 tons obtained when the statue was lifted to re- 
build the base. In 1959 Indian Mission for Archaeology and History engaged 
in studying and measuring the historical architectures and remains of medi- 
eval times in India by the terrestrial photogrammetric method and the author 
directed this program. It was continued until 1964 and during this period 
four study groups were organized under the sponsorship of the University of 
Tokyo, Inst. of Oriental Culture and Japanese Government. 
In 1962 the author was engaged in projects relating to the 
application of photogrammetry to engineering projects. Among these were 
application of photogrammetry to automobile models for obtaining body line 
drawings and for checking the camplicated surface of hydraulic turbine 
runners. The results of this project were presented as a presented paper 
at the I.S.P. Congress in 1964. Since then various achievements have been 
made in the field of industrial photogrammetry in both software and hardware. 
In 1966 at the Comm. V Symposium of the I.S.P. in Tokyo, the 
author presented a paper on short-range photogrammetry for objects in motion 
and this was the first proposal for four-dimensional photogrammetry in the 
field of industrial photogrammetry. 
The Meteorological Research Institute started to measure the air 
turbulence phenomena at Mt. Fuji to determine the cause of the BOAC airplane 
crash in 1966 under actual conditions in the field and experimentally in the 
wind tunnel. I was involved in this project for the photogrammetric works 
and analysis. Flash balloons equipped with a light mechanism with a time 
interval of 15 seconds were dropped from an airplane in the vicinity of 
Mt. Fuji. Three P30 phototheodolites took photos at fixed triangulation 
points which were appropriately distributed throughout the area and the 
space co-ordinates of the flash at each 15 seconds were calculated by the 
computer and also model tests inside a wind tunnel were carried out to 
determine the conditions of air turbulence by tracing the smoke trails. 

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