Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

between 0.4 mm and 7.2 mm, as well as the change of the 
position of the principal point relative to the image 
coordinate system do not exceed 0.04 mm in the most 
unfavourable case. 
For the change of the calibrated focal length Ac, with 
distance setting there exists with reference to Fig. 2 
the following linear functional dependence on the prin- 
cipal distance change Aa': 
Ar! ; 
Rep At den © za ude’ (1) 
In Fig. 2 H and H' mean the nodal points of the lens 
and P and P' the positions of the entrance and exit pu- 
pils. The calibrated focal length is normally fixed in 
such a way that for a certain image radius, viz. the 
zero radius of distortion, the projection beam in the 
image space is parallel to the principal ray in the 
Object space passing through the centre of the entrance 
pupil which is effective for this principal ray. For 
' the UMK the zero radius of distortion was fixed to be 
TE = 72 mm, which corresponds to an inclination angle 
ot the principal ray of about 40 gon. 
2.2.2. Distortion and other image deformations 
The rotation-symmetric distortion varies with changing 
distance setting according to 
Artzı = Ar -B8', À rt, (2) 
By calibrating the camera one obtains, however, only 
the quantity Ari, For other distance settings with 
image magnifications B' > O additions have to be 
applied according to the second term in (1), which were 
determined in the optical-geometrical calculation of 
the lens. They refer to the primary colour e. As is 
apparent from Fig. 3, the deviations for the primary 
colours C and F are in the most unfavourable case at 
i BF = 0,072 generally smaller than 1 gun and only in the 
region of the image corners they reath values of 1.1 Jum 
and 1.4 Jum, respectively . 
As has already been pointed out in /3/ manufacturing 
deviations for Ar}, are expected to be of the same 
order of magnitude âs for Ar! due to the quasi-sym- 
metric design of the Lamegon 8°/100, so that in view of 
existing close manufacturing tolerances such deviations 
remain below 1 um even for the largest image magnifica- 

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