Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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Kratky: Basically, it is a relative orientation? 
Vigneron: Yes. 
Oshima: I would like to ask Dr. Seeger a question. I would like to know 
the distance between the camera and the object in the case of the measure- 
ment of the automobile shown in your slides. 
In the case where you measure the surface of the automobile the angle of 
the camera axis to the surface of the automobile is the important factor 
in deciding the accuracy of measurement in close range photogrammetry. 
What is your opinion in this matter? 
You said the accuracy of the measurement on the surface of the car was 
0.2 mm in plan and 0.3 mm in depth. Are these figures mean square errors 
or something else? 
Seeger: The camera to object distance was about three meters. The focal 
length was 10 cm. That means a photo scale of 1:30. 0.2 divided by 30 
gives about 7 microns in the image scale. 
The second question. It is true that the ? - ? is the weakest point in 
photogrammetry. 2? - ? in photographs you can more or less eliminate this 
dangerous situation. For example you can take photographs of the surface 
of the car for points which are higher, and points which are lower on the 
surface. 7? - ? we tried to apply ? - ? and we took more photographs than 
were necessary, but working with this adjustment process we got a good 
In answer to your third question. The mean of the residuals after absolute 
orientation, using more than 20 control points. The co-ordinates ? - ? 
from a mechanical scanning system are measured ? - ? so the result is good. 
&&&&(I regret the lack of information in the above. We have received 
no corrections from the author for this passage. ) &&&& 
Karara: There is a new instrument, the ZEISS STEREOCORD which has a very 
good potential for non-topographic applications. Would Dr. Seeger like to 
comment on a comparison of this instrument with the PLANTCOMP? 
Seeger: There are some differences. One is accuracy, which is lower using 
the STEREOCORD, Also the price is lower. 
Karara: But what about their areas of applications? 
Seeger: &&&&(As above, this portion of the tape was extremely difficult 
to follow, and we do not have Dr. Seeger's comments. ) &&&& 
Karara: Would you say that the two instruments are competing with each 
Seeger: I think you can compare the two instruments, otherwise ? - - ? 
application ? - ?. 
S: 5 3. 8:5, 5,35 35.855 8.5. 5 SiS SS Sn 545 ES 
Paper by R. Schlienger - WILD HEERBRUGG 
(This paper was presented by J. Höhle.) 
Discussion of the above paper 
(As no further time was available, the Chairman asked that question be 
directed later, directly to WILD.) 

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