Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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Pi : (Pinkney raised a point here that dealt with the rate of acqui- 
sition of information. This was included in Item 8.) 
Badekas: With regard to Dr. Ghosh's suggestion, I find that there is some 
difficulty, because to me photography with a time distribution does not 
change its nature. It is still conventional. If we accept such an approach 
then every time a photography is repeated it would become non-conventional. 
Ghosh: We may call this "non-conventional" application of "conventional" 
photography, or conventional space photography and the like would come 
under such categories also. 
Linkwitz: Accuracy would also be an aspect to discriminate between con- 
ventional and non-conventional imaging. On the left side conventional 
accuracy is determined by the resolving power of the optical system, and 
the resolving power of the film. And on the other side, non-conventional 
imaging accuracy is determined by the wavelength. (Item 9) 
Gates: Yes, that is a very important point. And I am sure there are 
others we haven't talked about. But since time is getting on I must come 
now to the last point that I want to make. We would like to set up a 
working group of people who feel they would like to join in further dis- 
cussion of the subjects we should put forward for special consideration at 
the next congress. 
(Further discussion was held during lunch. The discussion dealt 
with a choice of possible people to whom the Working Group felt 
that invitations should be sent, to give invited papers at the 
1980 Congress in Hamburg. ) 
Gates closed the session by thanking the speakers. 

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