Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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Wapifiski: (Chairman of the Session) 
(Prof. Wapifiski's opening remarks were in German.) 
Konecny: (Acting Chairman) 
Prof. Wapifiski has asked me to repeat what he has just said. 
It has been agreed that I will chair this session because he thinks it 
would be better if this session were conducted in English, and if he himself 
conducted the session in English it would probably sound to you in the 
audience like Polish. 
This is the session dealing with Applications and Cost-Effectiveness of 
Photogrammetry in Industrial Engineering. I would like to remind you that 
just last week there was a symposium of Commission VI in Cracow, where 
Prof. Wapifiski, together with Prof. Ghosh held a joint session on Appli- 
cations and Cost-Effectiveness in Industrial Photogrammetry. So essentially 
this is a repeat in the sense that again these two topics are here on the 
agenda, even though the papers are completely different. With that I would 
like to call on the first speaker, but first let me explain that the schedule 
this afternoon will contain altogether eight papers. There is one that is 
not on your program. We will start with a paper by Mr. Simonsson from 
Sweden. The second paper, not announced here, is by Dr. Eales from the 
United Kingdom. The third will be by Prof. Miller of the Federal Republic 
of Germany, and the fourth by Mr. Shortis of the United Kingdom. And then 
we will have coffee. After coffee it will be just as announced. With that 
I would like to ask Mr. Simonsson to talk to us on the Determination of the 
Flatness of Surfaces Using a Multiplex Projector. 
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Paper by G. Simonsson - The Royal Institute, Stockholm 
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Discussion of the above paper 
(There were.no questions after the above paper.) 
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Paper by N. Eales - Longdin & Browning (Surveys) Limited - United Kingdom 
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Discussion of the above paper 
Konecny: In the context for cost-effectiveness it would be interesting to 
know why you have, in the case of the Hong Kong subway not utilized photo- 
grammetric techniques. 
Eales: I think the answer lies very much in the number of points the engi- 
neer required. With a photogrammetric solution you have got to take time 
in setting up the cameras, preparing the object for photography, and ar- 
ranging that there are sufficient control points within the area to be 
photographed. Then when the photography has been developed you have to set 

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