Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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Atkinson: the points of the experiment in fact was to look at the necessity 
for targetting and we co-ordinated points which were targetted in two differ- 
ent ways, and points which were not targetted at all. There was a fall off 
in accuracy, but still an acceptable accuracy with untargetted points. Final- 
ly I think the really critical difference between the two tunnels, as I 
estimate from reading your paper is really the diameter. The diameter of the 
Mersey tunnel is more than twice the diameter of the Hong Kong Mass Transit 
tunnel, and I think that in the larger diameter tunnel there is a better 
chance for photogrammetry being a more cost-effective solution. 
Eales: I think that I agree with most of the points that Mr. Atkinson has 
raised. As I mentioned in the presentation we were able to reach all points 
of the Hong Kong tunnel with a 3 m rod. You are talking about a road tunnel, 
perhaps a six or seven meter diameter tunnel. The rods that would be re- 
quired would become unwieldy and the system would defeat itself. I think 
this re-emphasizes the fact that each individual application should be con- 
sidered on its own merits, and we should not glibly assume that, necessarily 
the EDM solution or the photogrammetric solution is the best method for 
every tunnel. 
Voss: Why the utilization of the UMK in the unusual vertical position? À 
vertical mount should have been used. 
Eales: We did in fact investigate this possibility. But we found that with 
this mount we could not use the ? - ? for the UMK system. Secondly we 
found that we had no particuoar mechanical problems using the camera in the 
way we did. It was a matter of cost-effectiveness. 
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Paper by B.-G. Miller - RWIH - Aachen 
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Konecny: Thank you Prof Müller. I think some of your comments may be a 
direct answer to some of the discussion in the panel that was held regarding 
analytical plotters yesterday. 
Karara: What is a semi-metric camera? 
Miller: A metric camera is adjusted by the firm. A non-metric camera re- 
quires self calibration. A semi-metrric camera ? - ?. 
Karara: (The question was not clear on the tape.) 
Miller: That was one reason for using the Planicomp, because we auto- 
matically go to the reseau points. It doesn't really matter if there are 
reseau points. 
Konecny: Prof. Wapifiski has just told me that he is afraid that the system 
which you have described may really cost, for practical purposes, quite a 
lot of money. From the academic side I can say just as you, anyone that is 
using analytical plotter principles is off to a better product, and really 
you can do a lot more with it. 
Miller: It is a question of balance. If you leave the big machines in the 
mine waiting it costs more money than the investment in a Planicomp. 
Konecny: Fine. You are saying that in your situation where there is a 
research environment, you can really make use of it. 

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