Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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Shortis: I think, as far as they were concerned, it was purely a pilot 
project. From the correspondence I had with them I think they were very 
happy with our 3D measurements. It was purely for their benefit that we 
could do it. I do not think they were ever seriously interested. But this 
only applies to one particular organization. We have had contacts from 
other organizations and we are developing other purpose-built equipment for 
these organizations. 
Doyle: I have seen this happen many times before where pilot projects like 
this have been done for automobile companies or other manufacturing com- 
panies. We get results which we think are very satisfactory from a photo- 
grammetric point of view, and that is the end of the project. It never 
materializes to a production basis. 
Shortis: It could quite possibly be. We are certainly not going to go out 
and bash on their front door and ask, "what have you done with the results?". 
Konecny: I think this is a very important question if the use of photogram- 
metry in such fields is going to be furthered one must encourage the estab- 
lishment of photogrammetric institutions at these factories in order to go 
and start the plotting. I think that at several factories some starts along 
these lines have been made. The universities are actually pioneering in 
showing the way that this can be done. That is the way I see it. Do you 
agree essentially? 
Doyle: I think it happens that they are started up in automobile factories 
and then later dismatled, and never used again. 
Konecny: Can anyone say where, in automobile factories, photogrammetric 
methods are being used? 
Karara: Fiat in Torino is using photogrammetry. 
Konecny: On a research basis or on a production basis? 
Karara: On a production basis. 
Linkwitz: Renault in France uses it also in the designing process of new 
shapes of cars. 
Konecny: I understand that in Detroit there is also something going on along 
these lines. 
22?????: (Another speaker here spoke of other work on a research basis.) 
Oshima: In Japan automobile companies are not now using the photogrammetric 
technique very much, only in three-dimensional viewing as a check. They are 
now using an automatic electronic three-dimensional instrument because this 
method is very fast and effective. 
Vigneron: In France Renault has a production system using photogrammetric 
data acquisition for automatic tool manufacturing, and also for the measure- 
ment of special parts. Many people think that analytical stereoplotters are 
very expensive. But we can so "no, it is not very expensive". 
Konecny: In comparison to what has been done in production it is not very 
expensive at all. We have heard of the use of photogrammetry at Renault. 
We understand that there are also companies within the Federal Republic of 
Germany, Volkswagen, that has an interest in these things. And I understand 
that British Leyland was at one time using photogrammetry on a production 
basis, but not any more. 

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