Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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Paper by H. Haggrén, Martikainen, H. Salmenperä, Vehkeperä, and Väätäinen 
- Technical Research Center of Finland 
(Paper presented by H. Haggrén) 
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Doyle: This cost model is very interesting. But the title of your paper 
is Three-Dimensional Control of Ship Constructions". To what extent has 
the photogrammetric technique been applied to ship construction? Is it a 
routine operation? 
Haggrén: Only some experimental work has been done, and this is one of 
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them. At the present there is none being used on a routine basis. 
Konecny: If I may summarize right now, we have three possible options, 
a), b), and c). Now what are, in the case of ship construction, the three 
Haggrén: a) ? - ?, b) the photogrammetric method, C) a more expensive 
Konecny: This then is a demonstration of a cost model. Your paper deals 
with photogrammetry and ship construction, but you have not included this 
in your presentation. 
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Paper by J. Kenefick and D. Peel - Photogrammetric Consultants - USA 
(Paper presented by H. Karara) 
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Discussion of the above paper 
Abdel-Aziz: I wonder which criterium he used, sigma v4 = min. or sigma /v/ 
= min, in the least squares adjustment. 
Konecny: Not having read the paper I am not sure, but knowing Mr. Kenefick 
I am sure he has picked the best way. 
Torlegárd: I know that we have shipbuilding expertise in the hall. I have 
made a study of this for optimization. And that depends on where the dis- 
crepancies on the mating faces are. It depends on the possibility of cor- 
recting the position of the plates of the ship, which is done by introducing 
forces with mechanical levers. If you can check the shape you can allow a 
great number of discrepancies. It is very difficult to define the optimi- 
zation mathematically, such as for instance sigma v^ - min, or sigma /v/ = 
Polderman: In Holland we have ships built in halves too. Normally only 
oil tankers are built in this way. And an oil tanker is a very very weak 
construction. The way they put these two halves together is to first 
measure the perimeter of each of the halves. As long as the perimeters do 
not differ too much, ship builders seem not to worry too much. They just 
weld the two halves together by applying mechanical forces wherever necessary. 
Ghosh: I acted as a consultant in this project with Mr. Kenefick, and I 
can confirm that he did use the least squares adjustment principle in his 
work of applying photogrammetry to ship building. 

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