Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

the rigid bundle solution. This amount which /3/ Bopp, H.: Krauss, H.; Preuss, H.D.: 
is equivalent to 0.07% of the mean object Photogrammetric Control Survey of a 
distance seems to be acceptable for most Large Cooling Tower. Paper presented at 
applications of photogrammetry in control the ASP Fall Technical Meeting, Little 
surveys. Rock, Arkansas, 1977. 
REFERENCES /4/ Hoss, H.; Steudle, G.: Geod&tisch-photo- 
grammetrische Vermessung einer Mem- 
/1/ AIC-Architekten und Ingenieure: Vorge- branüberdachung. Studienarbeit 
spanntes Membrandach für PH Ludwigsburg. (unpublished), Stuttgart University 
Baumeister 7/1976, S. 609-610. 1978. 
/2/ Bopp, H.; Krauss, H.: A Simple and Ra- /5/ Hottier, P.: Accuracy of Close-Range 
pidly Converging Orientation and Cali- Analytical Restitutions: Practical 
bration Method for Non-Topographic Experiments and Prediction. 
Applications. Paper presented at the Phot. Eng. 3/1376, pp. 345-375. 
ASP Fall Technical Meeting, Little Rock, 
Arkansas, 1977. : /6/ Kupfer, G.: Improvement of the Geometry 
of Aerial Photos. Phot. Eng. 5/1972, 
pp. 479-486. 
Number of | MDX | MpY | MDZ | MDP | R% Number of mpx | moy | mpz | mpP | F% 
Control Points [m] Control Points [mni] 
eo 18 4.1 2.9 1.5 2.7 0.07 16 Col 3.1 2.4 5,2 0.09 
3 6 1-4] 4.5 | 2:9 1620.14 14 2.2 | 3.2 | 2.5 | 5.4 | 0,10 
À 16 1.9] 3.7 | 22023 nag 12 2.940 3.5 | 2.4] 5.7 | 0.19 
ó 6 1.91] 4.9] 3.8] 7.510.124 10 2.5} 3.7] 2.4 } 6.0) 6.11 
oo 17 2.3 6.9 2.1 8.4 0.15 8 5.1 4.9 2.4 7.8 0.14 
> 6 X. 7.1 2.9 9.2 0.17 6 hu 6.5 2.5 9.3 D.17 
Table 1: Two step solution, 
orientation-bundle solution 
Table 3: Two step solution, calibration, 
configuration 2 - bundle solution 
umber of mpx | mpy | mpz | Mop | R% 
Control Points [mm] 
18 1.6 | 2.7 | 4.2 | 5.7 | 9.07 
14 1.2] 7.9 | 2.01 4.410,08 
12 1.8] 3.0] 2.0} 1.50.08 
10 2.1] 3.5 | 2.2 | 5.4 | 9.10 
8 2.4 | 5.5 | 2.9 | 7.5 | 6.1! 
6 5.9] 7.7) 2.1 [18.1] 0.48 
Table 2: Two step solution, calibration, 
configuration 1-bundle solution 
Number of ox | MDY | MDZ | MDP | R%o 
Control Points [mm] 
17 3.11 7.11 2,411 8.50 0.15 
14 3.10 7.4 | 2.1] 9.9] 0.16 
12 $5.2] 7T. 7] 2.3 | 9.2] 0.17 
10 3.7| 8.1] 2.5] 9.8] 0.18 
8 4.0] 8.5] 2.9 110.54 0.19 
6 6.1] 11.2] 3.1 115.8] 0.25 
Table 4: Two step solution, calibration, 
configuration 5 - bundle solution 

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