The polyethylene tibial component to be
tested was first shipped to the Kelsh
Division potted with epoxy in an aluminum
block. Our technicians carefully milled
each corner of the block to a common base
of elevation, and drilled 76pm (.003")
diameter control points on two of these
surfaces, precisely 88.9mm (3.500") apart.
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oar orm TOOK 0.27 SECONDS,
Figure 3 — The original computer plot from
the M.I.T. "CONTUR" program of one poly-
ethylene socket.
The Kelsh K-460 Universal Stereometric
Camera was used to obtain the metric
photographs. The K-460 is shown in Figure
4, and was adapted for convergent photogra-
phy at a 237mm focusing distance as shown
in Figure 5. A 35mm slide projector beam
was directed between the camera heads. A
glass slide with a textured pattern was
placed in the projector, and a first surface
mirror was mounted between the camera
heads to direct the textured pattern down
on the tibial component. Because of the
reflective nature of the surface of the
Figure 4 — The Kelsh K-460 Universal
Stereometric Camera.
MIRROR @ 45°
P.D.= 145mm
X / Tom LENS
7777777727777 77747777 97777777 7777777 AZ
Figure 5 — The Kelsh K-460 was adapted for
a 237mm focusing distance and 10? convergent
photography to capture the tibial prosthesis.